Walk in the Park.

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He opened the door to the house and carried her inside as she slept upon his shoulder. He didn't have the strength to carry her up the steps so he bent down, placing her on the couch in his living room. He felt her shivers come back as he tried to lay her down and shook his head, "You really picked a terrible time to do that." He said, laying down on the couch with her as she slept. 

It wasn't at all strange to him, cuddling her close. It was something he did when Sasaki was alive...

Haru finally sat down on the couch in the break room after a long day of training. She felt every muscle in her body spasm at once and the sweat and her body felt freezing in the cool air of the room. She started shivering out of no where and when All Might came in seeing her shake and he knelt down to meet her eyes, "What's the matter?"

"I-I don't know." Her body shook. "I don't know w-what's happening. I'm cold  and my body hurts-"

"Shhh! Come here." He held her in his strong arms to keep her shivers at bay, placing her in his lap so she could feel his warmth. "I think you've been over worked. Just relax okay?"

"Okay." Her body eased back into his frame and laid her head upon his strong chest. "I'm sorry you and Sasaki have to take care of me like this." She said. 

"If you would let us know when you need a break this wouldn't happen."

"I don't want you thinking that I'm not as strong as you guys."

"That's nonsense. You're the strongest out of all of us."

"Stop trying to be nice."

"I mean it. you do so much for us, get our meals, make our appointments, follow us around and you train with us now. You're a badass."

She chuckled as she nuzzled his chest, absorbing his heat, "Thank you."

All Might's chest rumbled out a chuckle as she settled back into his embrace. He was actually thankful that he could give her some sort of loving touch to her, she deserved it. Haru never spoke about it, but her family was the worst when it came to affection. She was never given affectionate touch and she grew up starved of it. 

Sasaki and him found this out when they realized she would hug everyone she saw, giving him and All Might light touches with the hand that felt a little needy veiled in friendliness. One she was comfortable enough to talk to them, Haru did reveal that her parents hardly ever touched her. 

"Any time, brat." He joked, laying his large hand on the top of her head gently. 

He awoke in the morning in his thin frame, still holding her tightly. He looked down at her snuggled up to his chest like she used to do. Then the realization hit him, he couldn't let her seem him like this. She fell asleep with All Might, she cannot wake up to Toshi. He carefully slipped out of her grasp and left the room to change into something else. He returned to see her sleeping soundly still. He was thankful that he didn't wake her, he could've made another excuse but he hated lying to her. What would she say if he told her that he wasn't the same All Might that she used to know? 

She hated secrets, she was still upset that he didn't tell her why he left in the forst place, she was just trying to make life with him work. He shook his head and started to make breakfast, letting the aroma fill the room around them. The fact that he was pretending to be two people made his heart feel like a millstone was tied around it, slowly sinking. The more he held his tongue, the more he betrayed her. He didn't know what to do, his frail form had been a secret for so long and maybe she should've known a long time ago...but...would she fear him?

She was the only person whose opinion mattered the most to him. She saw him in his highs and lows as a hero and as All Might, would she think less of him if he revealed himself as the weak and small Toshinori Yagi? It scared him to the deepest core of his being what she thought and he was slowly starting to gain her trust back. He didn't even intend on her seeing him in his weak form but he couldn't just tell her. Haru trusted Toshi and he didn't want to breach it. 

"Hello, there." He jumped, dropping his spatula to hear Haru's voice tickle his ear from behind. She giggled and picked up the utensil "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"You, ma'am are dangerous." He joked. 

"What are you making?" She asked, looking down at the pan. 

"Eggs and bacon. I saw you sleeping when I came in, so I thought we could have breakfast."

"That's very sweet of you." She smiled. 

"I thought I'd pay it forward since you made me dinner." He shrugged. 

"Thank you." She glanced at him. "All Might out saving the world?"

"Yeah, I think so. I don't think he needs you to do anything since he is out of the office right now."

"I wish I was in the know, I feel like I'm in a game of telephone."

"Sorry, You'll get used to it." He replied as he looked down at her hero suit. "Like the new look."

Haru looked down at herself and chuckled, "I've had this for years, five to be exact."

"It still looks good. Its you." He looked her up and down quickly before she noticed. 

"I'll have to change out of it, I feel naked in it. I'm not used to wearing it, been so long."

Haru excused herself from the room and went back up to her apartment to change into something more comfortable. She ended up coming out in black sweats and a matching tank top, by that time he had finished making breakfast and set everything on the counter. They both sat and ate in silence for a minute, Toshi had his eyes down and averted from her and he was still lost in his thoughts about how-

"Toshi?" She asked. His oh so familiar eyes met hers. 

"Yeah?" His attention was pulled to her once again. 

"Do you have anything to do today?" She asked. 

"No, not really."

"Want to hang out? I'm bored." She smiled. Toshi forced a smiled down himself and sat back to look at her. "I'm sorry that my breakfast isn't at all 'entertaining' for you." he taunted.

"Well, the bacon is a bit...floppy for my taste." She teased. 

"What do you have in mind? What do you want to do?" He asked. Haru had to think for a minute, she glanced back at him when a thought crossed her mind. "What about a walk in the park?"

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