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The hallway was all in an uproar as employees past CentiPeter's Office, they could hear Haru screaming through out the building. 

"Do you both have a fucking death wish!?" She seethed. CentiPeter and All Might tried their best to calm her down as she kept moving away from them. "What the hell is wrong with you, Petey? You know that I-"

"This is for your own good. I know it feels like we have trapped you but please understand-" CentiPeter was cut off as he ducked from her throwing a paper weight at him. The fact that the very same man that she had been abandoned by was in the same room with her made her flip out. 

"The fuck do you want from me, All Might?!"

"TO HELP YOU!" He shouted over her scrambled yelling. 

"That's about five years too late, pal!" She shouted, not even phased by the volume of his voice. "Why now, huh?" She asked. "Did you suddenly feel sorry for me, big guy?"

"Haru, I deserve everything you say to me. I wasn't thinking clearly-"

"Damn right you weren't!" She crossed her arms, looking him up and down. 

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

Haru started laughing, "Hell no. You don't get off that easily." Her purple light shined from her hair and she felt his regret, his hurt. Haru shook it off and focused on the man's face, was that really how he felt? Haru silenced herself and looked between the two men, "I have no home, where do you plan on storing me?" She asked. 

All Might looked a bit shocked, "There is an apartment above me...a guest house if you will. Its connected to mine're welcome to it."

"What will I be doing, what is my job description?" She asked. 

The men looked at each other, a little confused. She was just fuming from the turn of events and now was becoming compliant. The reality of her going to jail hit her in that moment, she really didn't have any other choice. There was no way she was going to be a prisoner.

"Haru, are you feeling okay?" All Might asked her. 

"No, I'm not. I was blackmailed, threatened and trapped and now I have no other option but to go with you." She bit her lip in frustration. All Might could see tears glossing her eyes, "Let's just go." she told him. 

All Might and CentiPeter agreed and the two enemies made their way to her guest room so she could gather her things. She stuffed everything in her duffel bag and she headed out of the room, All Might catching the handle to it, "I'll carry it." He offered politely. 

"I don't trust you." She yanked it back, hoisting it onto her shoulder. 

"Is that all of it? What about your old apartment?" He asked. Haru gave him an irritated look and he pulled out his phone, "I'll get a team on it and your things will be brought to your new place."

"Forget about it. They're all just material things anyways." She retorted. "I can buy new things." She scoffed. All Might chuckled at her attitude. 

"Says the woman who can't pay her rent."

"Hey!" She shouted. "I have enough money to do what I like with. I just don't like paying rent."

"Wow. You're so responsible." He said sarcastically as they descended the stairs and out the front doors. He stopped a moment. "You need a minute? to say goodbye to the old place?"

Haru looked up at him and scowled, "It's just a building." She muttered. 

"Fine."He shook her head at her defiance and started walking down the side walk. Haru looked a bit surprised, she half expected him to have some sort of expensive car of some sort to cart them to his home. "Responsible huh? What have you spent your money on? expensive trips and girls?"

All Might looked down at her in disapproval and kept walking, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, I don't know. You're acting pretty humble for a hero. Can't afford a car?" She asked. 

"Oh, you expected to be picked up in a car?" he acted a bit clueless. "I haven't put in my steps today since you decided to cause a scene for about an hour." He complained. 

"Dick." She crossed her arms. 

"Brat." he replied. 

"You still haven't answered my question." She spoke, trying to keep up with his long strides as they walked. All Might chuckled and shook his head, "What question? You've been complaining this whole time."

"What is my job description?"

"Oh, that." He paused. "The same job you had when Sir Night Eye was alive. You'll be my assistant and you'll get retrained to be a hero since you've seemed to have forgotten what you've been taught."

"I bet you think you're amazing right now." She taunted. All Might looked down at her irate state and chuckled to himself. "Oh, look at me!" She mimicked. "I'm going to save the poor and unfortunate drunk that used to be my best friend!" She sighed angrily. "The press would fucking love that."

"I get it, Haru. You hate me." He spoke, the guilt he felt getting heavier upon his shoulders. "Plus, you shouldn't talk to your new boss that way."

"Pfft!" She scoffed. "I'm not afraid of you." 

All Might refused to respond anymore, he kept walking until they arrived at his home. He reached into his pocket and fumbled with his keys and opening it. His place was in a house form but had another like it on top. He was a simple man, he didn't like alot of things. His walls were a crisp white, his couches were a dark red made of leather that sat in front of a large screen tv that was mounted on the red brick wall in the living room. A fire place was settled just below that, along with a large cherry wood coffee table to house a few coasters and books. 

The kitchen was gray, mostly white marbled counter tops and black dishes. Just below the stairs that led up to her new home was a little space for a large comfy chair and book case with a copper lamp to light the shadowy space. His bathroom and bedroom were hidden away for now, unseen by her eyes. 

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