You're Such a Mom.

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Trigger warning: Cutting scenes.

All Might sighed as he heard her whimpering on the other side of the door. As much as he wanted to tell her why he left, he couldn't. Haru laid up against the door of her new apartment, her knees to her chest. The reuniting with her old friend would be harder...much harder than she realized. The was tied to her past, yes. She loved that her, Sasaki and All Might were thick as thieves back in those times, part of her still loved the friendship that her and All Might had. The other part of her, hated him to the deepest core of her being because of what he did. 

If he was leaving, why didn't he tell her? If he was going to go solo and progress in his life, why couldn't she share in that victory? The three of them always celebrated the little successes they achieved in why on earth was she not allowed to share in the biggest decision of his entire career?

All Might put her food in tupperware and left it on the top step to her door, cleaned up the kitchen and decided to retire to bed. She would have to adjust to her new life before she opened up to him, that's how she always was. Besides the drinking habit she had picked up during the years he was gone, she was still the same Haru. She was always the one to have the last word in an argument, the one to leave cheeky comments and make the most crazy jokes to make everyone in the room laugh. She was the life of their little group, even if she was an assistant. 

Night Eye and All Might sat from across each other, thinking up a new costume design to send to David Shield later that day. They were having the worst time figuring out what would look appropriate for his new suit. 

"Hey!" Haru came marching into the office like she was already invited. Both of the men's faces lit up, seeing her come in with two heavy bags of things they sent her out to get. "Whatever crap you're working on, stop. Its time for lunch."

"Haru." Night Eye warned. "Do you always have to make an entrance in every room?"

She looked at him and blinked, "Yes." She pulled up a chair. "That's how people remember me." She noticed the drawing of All Might's new suit. "Ew!" She snatched the paper up, inspecting it.

"Haru, Please-"

"Is this your plan?" She looked at All Might as if the design was a joke. "All Might, I love you isn't your color." She took a sharpie from the desk and scribbled upon it a bit until she was satisfied. "I hope you don't mind this," She handed him the paper with the new design on it. All Might looked at her surprised. 

"I don't think you should stray too far from your old suit, even if it was a prototype. Black is a color taken very seriously in society, it makes people look more professional and powerful. Red is a power color itself so it amplifies the entire look."

"It looks great, but it looks too Villainous. Too much of that dark color."

"Oh, then...maybe..." She took some white out from Night Eye's desk to make the sleeves white from wrist to elbow. She added some gold buttons to hold down his cape as well. "How's that? What do you think?"

All Might looked at it and laughed at himself, "Why didn't we call her in sooner for something like this?" He face palmed. "She does possess every color of light, of course she would know how colors work."

"I think we have been so used to working by ourselves before we hired Miss Haru." Night Eye shrugged. Haru looked between the two men eagerly. 

"So?  Do you like it? Do you approve?" She asked. 

"Haru, this looks amazing. It would be insulting not to send this design out to I-Island." All Might smiled, happy that the worry of a new suit had finally ended. Haru emptied the bags and handed the men their food. 

"Soba, meat bun and a Peppermint Tea for All Might." Haru smiled. "He has a sensitive tummy." She said patting his abs, making him blush. 

"Haru, you're such a mom." He laughed, taking his Soba. 

"And for Night Eye, Tonkatsu, extra pork, and black tea, since he needs his caffeine." She giggled. She took out her food and  setting it on her lap. All Might chuckled to himself and looked at her meal, "And Haru got herself Salmon Teriyaki with rice balls and Boba because lets face it...she's basic." He joked, making her choke on her food. 

"Asshole." She giggled. 

"Brat." He smiled back at her. 

Night Eye looked between them, "Do you two ever stop?" He laughed. 

"Never!" Haru declared. 

All Might shook himself of the memory, cleaned up and headed to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and stripped of his clothes, catcing his own image in the mirror. He sighed, he hated this form, it wasn't at all attractive. His ribs showed through his torso, his scar a puckered and dark pink spiders web that spread across him. One lung and not much of a stomach left either, his charming blue eyes used to shine like ocean water, now they were only small blue beads masked in dark shadows. His cheekbones looked like he had starved himself to death, withering away like a leaf about to fall from a tree in autumn. 

He panted, anxiety pulsing through his chest. He reached into his medicine cabinet and pulled out a shiny razor blade. He looked back at the massive scar that had managed to ruin his whoe life and nicked the skin with his razor, watching the blood seep out of his side. He had done this so many times that he hardly felt the sting anymore. He just wanted to punish himself, as loved and as adored as he was as the symbol of peace, he hated himself at the end of every day. He had ro come home looking like the shell of a man who failed to keep his body intact to keep Tokyo safer, longer. He had many regrets, the oldest ones pushing forth to the front now that Haru was back in his life. 

 He would have to tell her at some point but the weight of the situation still hung on his shoulders. What would she think of him when she finds out the reason he left? What would she think of her beloved Sasaki when she finds out the truth? Would she hate him more when she did find out? The questions kept swirling around in his mind as he stepped into the shower to clean his wound and ready for bed. 

Haru slid her mattress into her new bedroom which was pretty roomy compared to her last one. It even had a small balcony. She never had a balcony before, she dropped the bed down onto the floor with a thud and jumped into bed, not caring about setting anything up right now. She had a very eventful day and all she wanted to do is have sleep overtake her so the memories would wash away for at least a few hours. She didn't know what would be in store for her the next day, it gave her an uncertain feeling in her stomach as she tried to sleep. 

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