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The day was still long even with only two events scheduled for that day. The both of them walked home feeling like their feet were about to fall off. "Haru."


"Remind me to take a vacation."

"France okay?" She joked. 

"Perfect." He bent down so she could climb on his back to carry her home the rest of the way. She nestled her chin in the crook of his neck as he walked. Her tired breath gave him chills and he could smell her perfume of vanilla and warm sugar. "I'm sorry. You spoil me too much."

"Let me spoil you, dammit." He chuckled. "Feels like you've lost weight." He smiled knowing what she would do next, he felt a playful smack against his temple. "Spoil me he says. With what? Insults?" She giggled. 

"Quit acting like you care." He laughed. "Brat."

"You know I could probably put you in a head lock. I am wrapped around your neck."

"Yeah right. With those twig arms-" All Might was corrected when she tightly put him in a head lock. "Okay! okay, I'm sorry!" He laughed. 

"Pfft! Pussy." She giggled. 

"Call me that again and I'll drop you."

"You'd never hurt me- AH!" he reached around and dipped her towards the pavement, their faces just inches from each other. "You're right, I wouldn't." He hoisted her back up onto his back. He felt her wrap her arms around his neck a little tighter as their little playful mood started to fade. Her touch was so comforting, the day when she gave him a head massage he thought he would fall fast asleep to the sensation. He placed his hand over hers, the same way she did earlier that day. 

He opened the door to the house and placed her on her feet, "Thank you All Might." She said sleepily. 

"You're welcome. Have a good night."

Haru swayed from side to side and he held her in place, they stayed still for a moment. Something must have come over them, maybe some sort of comfort that hung in the air to pause them. They seemed to be at peace in their tired haze as they absorbed each other's touch and company. All Might reached his hand up to play with her hair and her eyes opened fully. She watched him as he played with her ivory locks before she came back to her senses, "Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning." She gently took his hand from her hair, a sweet departing smile on her face to reassure him that his little action wasn't wrong. She walked to her door and then turned around, "Hey, All Might."


"Can we hang out tomorrow? Just you and me?" She decided to take Toshi's advice and spend some time with the hero. He nodded and smiled, "That would be nice."


He watched as she left and steam clouded up around him as he poofed into his smaller form. He coughed up a lot of blood this time and gasped for air for a minute. He wiped his mouth clean and took a bottle of water out from the fridge before he retired to his room. His room was simple, beige walls, a black dresser on one side of the room next to his walk in closet. His bed was blanketed with a deep red comforter and black fluffy blanket that matched his pillows were placed on top. He had a Tv in front of his bed so he could relax and watch it as he laid down. A few pictures here and there dotted the walls and a night stand next to the side that he slept. 

He sat at the edge of his bed, elbows upon his knees. He had to tell her the whole truth, the way she looked when he told her about NightEye's broken promise, she was still very confused. She was proably thinking of why he would look into his future like that in the first place. She knew that Sasaki always did things with a purpose. It was getting much harder to hide his real self from her. 

His body felt so weak from being his bigger size all day with her, every joint ached and he felt dizzy. He sat at the edge of his bed, the guilt he had felt since he took her in felt heavier for some reason, he reached into his night stand drawer, plucking out his razor blade. If he wouldn't have gotten injured, Night Eye wouldn't have had to look into the future.


Haru wouldn't feel abandoned and wouldn't have hated him for five years. 


He wouln't be the withering shell that cracked, ached and coughed. 


He hated his body, he hated the way he looked. Why did Haru think that Toshi was even worth her time when All Might was the one loved by everyone else? What was there to have affection for? He was skin and bones, one lung and no stomach...was he even a man anymore? He felt like a creature from a child's nightmare. No one would be able to love this form...not even Haru Scarlett. He looked down at the work he had done on himself this time, three long cuts across his torso dripped down his ribs. He sighed, the sadness in his heart feeling like a milstone as he pushed himself up to clean his wounds. He bandaged up the painful marks and plopped onto his bed, waiting for the bed's comfort to consume him. 

Haru had made a pot of peppermint tea for the night. She took a sip and let the liquid soothe her insides as she sat on her bed. She still couldn't believe that Sasaki would do that, he did everything for a good reason so...what made him do it?

She shook her head of the memories and placed her now empty cup on the night stand. She laid down and closed her eyes and fell fast asleep. 

Toshi woke up in the morning with his ribs still aching from the day before. It took all of his strength to push himself up off of his bed and stand. He wobbled a bit and groggily made his way to his bathroom, taking a shower. It was the weekend and Toshi was silently thankful for it but he also cursed himself that he had made a day to hang out with Haru in his strong form. He had to get some energy and strength somehow..."All Might?"

His eyes shot open, hearing her voice in the distance. It sounded like she was in the living room. Why was she up already? He rolled his eyes and washed up quickly, he peeked out the door way to make sure she wasn't nearby and he made a break for the bedroom. 

"All Might?" She heard a door slam and she walked down the hallway. "Good Morning."

"Uhh... Morning!" He faked a deep voice and rummaged through his closet. 

"I was thinking I could make breakfast. Anything you want specifically?" She asked. 

"Pancakes!" He said curtly. Haru almost jumped from the loud voice from the other side of the door and shrugged, making her way into the kitchen to make him what he wanted. 

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