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All Might led the way to her new home and she unwillingly followed him up, "Welcome to your new place." He opened the door and she looked around at the nakedness of the house. It was built the same but it was empty. "I'll have your things brought to you by the end of the day."

"I told you to leave it." She snapped. 

"You need a bed and clothes at least." He explained. "I've already called the movers, you're getting it all today whether you like it or not."

Haru closed her eyes, not wanting to argue anymore, "Fine."

"If you need anything just let me know."

"Don't worry, I won't" she stood there, arms crossed. clearly still annoyed. "I can take care of myself."

"Yeah." He chuckled. "I see." He shook his head and left her there, not wanting to listen to her poisonous words any longer. He blamed himself, he made her this way. If he didn't leave, then they would still be best friends. All he could think of was leaving and getting away from Night Eye as soon as possible. He closed the door behind him, a steam emitted from him and he resorted to the frail version of himself he hated so much. He left the stairs, sitting at his kitchen counter with his head in his hands. 

After a few hours, the movers came and he opened the front door to let them in. He was still in his small form so he directed them to the apartment upstairs and left for his room. He didn't want Haru to see him like this...she would just hate him more. Haru let them come in, setting everything onto the living room floor. She looked at all of the boxes being hauled in, feeling totally awful. She treated All Might like shit. 

Once everything was finally brought up and they left the home, Haru came back down to talk to All Might. When she came down, she saw the big man standing there in sweats and an apron as he cooked in the kitchen. Haru couldn't stand it, this was a sight to see. 

"Oho!" She covered her mouth. All Might turned to see her standing there wanting to laugh her ass off at him. 

"What the hell?" He looked surprised to see her. "What are you doing down here?"

"I'm sorry-" She laughed out. "I didn't mean to intrude, I just-"


Her whole reason to come down vanished from her mind, seeing him in such a get up, "You look like a house wife." She giggled. 

"Ever heard of knocking?"

"Dude, its a duplex. What do you want me to do? Its not like its a front door."

He sighed and glared at her, "What do you want?"

"I forgot." She chuckled. "I saw your wife outfit and I have to say it suits you." She said sarcastically. All Might suppressed a chuckle and looked at her, "Bold words from someone who doesn't have any food in their apartment." He countered. 

"Shit." She muttered under her breath. All Might laughed at the expression on her face. 

"Don't worry about it. I was going to send you some up anyways."

Uncertain, she sat herself up at the counter. "...So, what are you making?"

"black bean soup with rice." He replied. 

"...sounds nice."

All Might gave her a glance over his shoulder, grinning. She was fighting her own self. She still hated the guy but...the familiarity she had with him was still alive, he could see it. All of the old emotions came rushing back to Haru, how comfortable she was with him. How they laughed until their stomachs hurt together. Part of her missed this, she missed her All Might. 

"Okay, dinner is served-" He looked back again and noticed she had vanished. He sighed, this would be much harder than he originally thought. He walked up the steps and knocked on her door, "I'm over here, All Might." She said from the little space under the stairs. 

"You have some cat like reflexes-" He stopped talking when he saw that she had a picture in her hand that he had forgotten was on his bookshelf. It was of her, Night Eye and himself smiling like idiots in the picture. He noticed her face, it was wet with tears, "You kept this?"

"Of course I did." He told her. "How could I not?" 

Haru's face contorted from sadness back to fury, "How..." Her hands shook. "How can you keep this, when you...left?" In her mind, it didn't make any sense, a person who abandons, leaves everything behind...even the memories. so why did he have them displayed in his house?

"Haru, I-"

"You left us." she cried. "How do you explain that? What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't, Haru. I'm so sorry."

She couldn't wrap her head around his apology, she didn't understand. Five years of silence and now he wanted to be around? After everything was gone? All Might wanted every chance in the world to hold her tight like he used to when she cried but he knew he didn't have that right anymore. She wiped her face and breathed, "I'm sorry...I'm not hungry." She handed him the picture and left to go upstairs. 

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