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Toshi looked down at his rib cuts and patched them up again, thry still stung and he tried to move carefully so he wouldn't open the wounds again. He tried a few times to become All Might before he finally got it and he felt his muscles painfully inflate and he walked out into the kitchen to see her flipping the fluffy pancakes over and over until she was satisfied. He sat down on the stool at the counter and watched her, she had her pearlescent hair tied up into a high ponytail and she wore a white crop top with black harem pants. She looked over her shoulder and smiled, "Hey there sleeping beauty."


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"Hello." He chuckled. "You look nice today."

"Don't tease me." She giggled. 

"I wasn't this time. You look pretty." He said, she could hear the smile in his voice and she looked over at him again. 

"Thank you, All  Might." She gave him a smile and finished up the pancakes, placing them on two plates, pouring orange juice and setting the counter top. All Might looked at her, working hard to get everything perfect before she joined him. She was such an OCD person. 

"What kind of pancakes did you go and make?" He asked, seeing the yummy pancakes steaming in front of him. She sat down across from him and winked, "Guess."

"Don't have to tell me twice." He took his fork, digging into his breakfast and tasting the flavor. "Cinnamon."

"Yeah, there's one more ingredient. You probably won't guess it correctly." She teased. 

He took another bite and thought hard, there was something else there but he couldn't figure it out, "Vanilla?"

"Nope, Honey."

"I would've never figured that out. Its really good."


"So, what would you like to do today? You have me all day."

"Well, I thought it would be nice to take a nice stroll in the park. You know, like we used to and feed the ducks." She chuckled. "Maybe Henry is still around."

"Haha! maybe. Sure we can go for a walk this morning. What else do you want to do?"

"Get a coffee at my favorite place and then, maybe we can talk about those trips we promised eachother we would go on together." She surprised him with her reply. 

"We can't go now-"

"I know. I would like to plan it out though. You once told me that it inspired you whenever I told you that I've never been to a place, then you would make it happen for me so that I could never say that I have never been." She looked him in the eyes, she meant it. She really wanted to do this with im. All Might nodded and placed his dish in the sink, they put on their shoes and coats and they were off to the park. 

Haru had a bag of stale bread to feed the ducks when they got there. The chill made her shiver a bit and All Might looked at her concerned. "Don't worry, its just the breeze." 

He wrapped an arm around her anyways and they walked close to one another, Haru felt different this time. Surely she felt the comfort of him whenever he touched her but...this time it felt...radiant. This time, his touch awakened her nerves and sent chills down her spine and a blush crept up upon her face. All Might was feeling it too, he was sure he had felt it sooner than he realized. That intoxicating smell of warm sugar filled his nose as they walked, igniting his senses. Her touch felt like a harmonious note from a violin, pure and etheral. They both looked at each other for a moment, the silence uninterrupted. 

Their feet stopped on the sidewalk, their eyes not leaving each other, "I..." All Might blushed, hoping she didn't see the color of his cheeks. "I...am glad you asked to hang out today. I needed a day off." He smiled. 

"Me too." her lips curved upwards. "Come on, I hope the ducks are hungry." She took his hand, their skin feeling a charge they have never felt before. They walked the trails and found a bench to sit, thankfully the ducks were there still, waddling away and quacking in the morning chill. 

"These ducks don't look familiar at all." All Might laughed as Haru threw a piece of bread to them, watching them rush over to it. 

"Maybe Mave and Henry moved." She joked. 

"Or maybe they moved in with each other?" He shrugged. 

"Oho!" She chuckled. "And Mave works for Henry as an assistant while Henry flies around saving other ducks."

"Damn right, Henry" He replied making Haru burst into laughter. He smiled down at her, seeing her face so lit up and full of joy made the moment feel so right. "I miss making you laugh like that, I used to do it so easily."

"Yeah." She threw another piece at the birds before turning to him. "I miss you making me laugh. Even if I was in the worst mood, you'd find a way to make me laugh."

"I didn't like seeing you without a smile." He draped his arm over the back of the bench, the sudden warmth of it behind her made her shiver. "I still don't."

They both sat there in comfortable silence, watching their breath in the cold morning, the sun had erupted the sky into a dramatic orange, casting a warm glow upon their faces. Her head landed upon his shoulder, absorbing the closeness they were sharing. 

Closeness was something that she valued, she never had that with her parents. Her father always worked, her mother always was out after she lost her job at the salon...drinking her sorrows because of an absent husband. Haru hadn't recieved loving touch until Sasaki and All Might came into her life. 

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