Slow Dancing.

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Present Mic was the best company she had through the festivities, he took her about the ballroom to reunite her with everyone else who seemed to have a Haru shaped hole left in their hearts. 

"Do my eyes decieve me?! Don't play tricks on this old man!" Gran Torino beamed with elation when he saw her, kissing her hand endearingly. 

She met with Mirko, Miss Joke, and Mt Lady who all looked divine in their beautiful gowns. She had been so distracted by all of the lovely formalities that she didn't realize that Mic had taken her to the dance floor, "Smooth, Hizashi."

"Thanks." He chuckled. "I was never the one who got asked to dance in high school, let me have this." He joked. Haru wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. "For you, Hizashi. Anything."

"Good, because all our hero buddies are staring and I'm about to go ham." He started dancing with her and she laughed, a bit entertained by his charade. She still didn't see All Might, she hadn't spotted him since they entered the building. Mic was a bit dramatic with his dance moves, twirling her around and dipping her without warning. He was such a goofy and confident soul, she adored him. 

All Might sat down at a table far enough away from the fun, staring at all the men who were fawning over Haru like wild animals. Even Hizashi was showing off for her. The worst part, she was loving it. She was eating it up. 

"May I cut in?" Aizawa approached them once the song changed. Mic looked a bit disappointed, "No, you can't." He joked. "It hurts that I have to share you." He frowned, handing her off to Shota who danced with her at a slower pace, "How long have you and All Might been living together?" He asked. 

"How do you know that? I don't think that was discussed on the radio."

"You're in the hero community now, Haru. People talk."

"Its been almost a month now."

"How is that working out? Last time I checked, you hated the man."

"Well, he tends to grow on you, I guess." She giggled. "He's a good guy."

"I may not be as bubbly and social as my loud mouth comrade but...I can see that there's something between you two."

"Oh? You can, Can you?" 

"Yes, because he's been staring at you ever since you both came in together." He told her as he gently spun her before dancing with her again.

"Where is he?" She asked. Aizawa only smiled when Fat Gum came up to steal her away. 

"Hey beautiful." He said, smiling at her. "How have you been doing? I heard that you're still recovering from..."

"Its okay, Taishiro. You can say that I was an alcoholic."

"I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable if I said it thats all."

"Yeah, I know. I'm doing fine by the way, thanks for asking."

"And your training?" He asked. 

"Better than I imagined."

"Why didn't you come to me, Haru? You know that My agency and Night Eye's worked closely together. I could've helped you. Any of us would."

"I know, I'm sorry. When you have a pain that you never try and heal from, that is all you see. You don't see anything else."

"Well, now that you are better enough to see us, how do you feel?" He asked. 


"That is a good answer." He hugged her tight, making All Might fume from the contact she had with him. It wasn't long until Hawks scooped her up into his arms and started to tango with her on the dance floor. "I am beginning to see that Ieveryone wants a piece of me tonight."

"Correct, Baby Bird."

All Might stood up from his table and stood there, watching them both, the way Hawks moved with her made him hit under his collar. He didn't know how much he could take with seeing eveyone but him spend time with her. Once the song ended and Hawks took a bow, All Might appeared behind her, not having a clue on what he was about to do. 

"May I have this dance?" He asked as she turned around. 

"There you are, why did you leave me? These heroes are like vultures."

"I take offense to that." Hawks said and she looked over at him, giving him a formal kiss on the cheeks. "Everyone but you, Hawky."

As much as All Might wanted to throw Hawks from across the room for getting a kiss from the one woman he cared deeply for, he chuckled seeing her exasperated face. She wasn't used to this much attention, "A dance right?"

"Yes." He smiled. 

A song played upon the speakers and they both looked at one another as they listened, 

When your legs don't work like they used to before, and I can't sweep you off of your feet. will your mouth still remember the taste of my love, will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

The slow danced, her arms hugging his neck. This felt like home, she felt like she was home in his arms. All the other men she danced with didn't feel the way he did. The sweet warmth and the soft touch of his hands were careful and thoughtful. 

So honey now, take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars, place your head on my beating heart. I'm thinking out loud. Maybe we found love right where we are...

The comfort he gave her was so fitting like a glove, they were made for eachother. She laid her head on his chest as they danced slowly together. His cheeks turned pink and he looked around before placing a sweet peck on top of her head. 

"All Might?" She asked. 

"Yes, Haru?" Their eyes met and they stopped dancing for a minute. She studied his face, so strong and wise was that man before her, gentle and sweet. She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it, "That kiss...wasn't a mistake."

"But you-"

"I...I'll explain later. Let's finish our dance first." 

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