Rosy Cheeks.

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"Are you sure? I can get carried away, I'm sorry if I did." She apologized again. 

"You did you say it..."  He thought a second before continuing. "You're a touch motivated person. I don't expect anything less." He walked with her on his back. She weighed no more than a sparrow, he carried her with ease.  He could tell that she appreciated what he said for she hugged his neck a little closer. "Thanks."

"Any time." A curve of a smile crept up onto his face. 

"You're pretty strong for someone who weighs ninety-four pounds." She remarked.

"Watch it. whose carrying you? Your life is in my hands." He joked. 

"What? I am just surprised that's all." She shrugged. "I'm not heavy at all?"

"Not at all. I could throw you if I wanted to." He teased. 

"Very funny, rosy cheeks." She poked his cheek again, making him flinch. 

"Quit it." he chuckled. Haru heard the little remains of his stomach rumble. 

"Sounds like someone is hungry." her breath against his ear gave him chills. 

"It is noon. Its about that time again."

"I know a good place, if you like pubs."

Toshi's soaring heart plummeted back down to earth, "I'm not supposed to allow you to drink."

"Did I say anything about drinking?" She asked a bit astounded by his words. 

"No, I have just been told that you...have a problem with it." He tried to tread lightly since he heard the tone in her voice. 

Haru jumped off his back and faced him, "All Might told you that?" She asked, looking a little insulted. "Did he hire you to keep an eye on me?"

"No, its not like that-"

"All I suggested was-"

"Haru, you almost killed yourself while drunk." He had a fearful expression upon his face, being taken back to the memory in his mind. 

She sighed and nodded, "As much as I want to...I can't get mad at you."

"I don't want you to be. I just care about you thats all." He gave her a weak smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

"No, you're right. A pub wouldn't be the best choice." She sighed. 

"Let's get back home, I have an idea." 

"Ideas, huh?" She smiled. "Sure, lets go." 

They left the park and walked back to the house, Toshi made dinner while he told Haru to change into something comfy. She pulled on the oversized red hoodie that he gave her with a pair of black leggings. He told her to be comfortable so she slipped on a pair of slippers before coming down from her apartment. She could smell the food from the top steps, coming down to join him. 

Toshi looked over at her and his face lit up, "Just in time, I just finished dinner."

"What did you make?" She asked looking at the pot. 

"A classic, Spaghetti and meatballs."

"Yummy." She stared at him for a minute, a smile playing on her lips, "Thank you Toshi."

"You're welcome." 

"Not just for this, but... You make me being here bearable." She told him truthfully. 

"Bearable?" He asked as he started plating the food. "I thought you and All Might were getting along?" 

"We are...I just feel like he's not the same All Might anymore. I mean, I don't expect it to be the way it was before but..." She trailed off, looking as if she were trying to solve a mystery in her head. "It just feels like he is keeping more things from me than just the reason why he left."

"Oh?" Toshi felt a charge in his chest, was it really that obvious? was he really displaying his feelings outwardly while he was All Might? He brought the food to the living room where they sat down and ate. 

"I know I have a quirk that detects mood but I don't need it to see that there's so much more inside him he isn't saying. It makes it hard to get along with him, we used to be best friends who told each other everything and now...He is a stranger." 

Toshi looked down at his food and felt the weight of guilt upon his shoulders, "Wow." 

"Its bad enough that I am here against my will because CentiPeter tossed me off to him..." She shook her head. "I don't know, making out his character now is like pulling teeth."

"You don't want to stay here?" He asked, his eyes displaying a certain despair. 

Haru sighed, "I don't want to be caged here." she replied. "I am getting used to living with the big guy but if he doesn't start opening up then this place won't ever feel like home."

"Give him time, he probably thinks you still hate him." 

"You're right." She sat back and looked at at the ceiling. "I have to start training with him tomorrow, that's going to be a bitch." She rolled her eyes. 

She heard Toshi chuckle, he watched her stress out for a minute. "Your food is getting cold."


They finished dinner late, the sky was black by the time Haru decided to retire to bed. She dreaded the next day, she had work and training. The hustle was about to start and if she knew All Might, he would hustle hard with her. He always went the extra mile when it came to working out and she knew her muscles would be burning by the end of the next day. 

She didn't pay any mind to Toshi when she walked back up to her apartment, it was normal to have him hang around in the house now. She was thankful for the company. She took off his hoodie, folding it and setting it down on her dresser for tomorrow. She walked into the bathroom, appreciating the mint colored walls. The bathroom was probably her most favorite room in her home. It was so much bigger than her old one and she loved spending time in there. Toshi helped her with remodeling the room,

 Toshi helped her with remodeling the room,

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 The floor had gold and white tiles along with all the walls being a refreshing mint color except for one accent wall that was covered in white wall paper with pink flowers and deep green leaves. Her vanity and sink was a crisp white with golden handles with a beautiful pink ottoman to sit on. She ran the bath, making it as hot as she could stand. The room steamed into a fog as she stepped into the hot water that relaxed her bones.  

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