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(Song at the top is a song that I personally have listened to since I was a kid. I feel like it fits this chapter💜)

The night was silent, everyone was in their homes or inside from the rain fall that had occured a few minutes ago. It left the pavement shining and metallic looking as the water set upon the streets, the downpour finally stopping. A woman with white hair and big round blue eyes walked down the streets, a little damp and swaying from side to side. She stopped to look at the sign above the door, Dragon Tavern. This was the place. She pulled open the door and sat at the bar, fixing her hair and sitting up straight. The bartender leaned over the bar between them and gave her a friendly smile, "What will it be, pretty lady?"

"Shore Leave and a Soul Taker please?" She looked up at him with her baby blues. She knew she could get anything she wanted with her bright blue eyes. They were her secret weapon. The bartender looked a bit surprised and shook his head, "Are you sure? That's a pretty intense co mbination. Can you handle that?"

"Of course I can." She fluttered her eyelashes prettily and gave him a slightly seductive look. 

"Coming right up." He turned to mix the two drinks and she had time to breathe and try to shrug off the army of drinks she had at the last bar she was at. She scanned the room and noticed a big tattooed guy in the corner of the bar, laughing heartily with his buddies. She smirked and waited patiently for her drinks to arrive. 

"There you are, ma'am. Enjoy." He left to do something in the back and she looked down at the drinks in front of her. The Soul Taker was in a small shot glass, the Shore Leave in a tall one. She carelessly plopped the shot glass into the other and chugged it down like it was nothing. She glanced back at the door that the bartender vanished to and made a calculated decision in her head. Deep under all her intoxication, was a soul full of sorrow and hellfire anger. She hated everyone and she was conviced that everyone hated her. She threw her tall glass at the table of muscley men, waticng it crash upon the table top and laughing at the look on their faces. 

"Hey! What the hell was that for?!" The tattooed man asked, standing up angrily. She did the same and approched him, stumbling a little as she did. 

"Just having a bit of fun." She slurred out. 

"Go home, you are wasted." He demanded. 

"Not until we settle this...like...men." She lazily looked up at him. 

"Settle what, little lady? You're the one that threw the glass." He leaned forwards, matching her gaze. 

"I don't like your face."

"Then why don't you go home and-" The man was cut off by her fist landing on his cheek, sending him stubling back and landing on the table. "What the hell?!" He pushed himself up.

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