Did You Miss Me?

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Haru followed the class and All Might back into the school, the two adults walking behind the students, "Can I ask something?" She asked. 


"Can we take Izuku out to dinner, I want to know more about the boy who saved your life." she looked up at him, beaming eagerly. All Might sighed with a smile. He tried to think fast, it seemed as if everything was hitting him at once, "Sure. I'll ask him later on today."

"Okay-Ah!" Once again, Haru was grabbed from behind by Mic who carried her off down the hallway. "What the?! Hizashi put me down!" she laughed out. 

"You must help me teach my class, bestie."

All Might just chuckled and waved her farewell as she was carried down the hallway to Mic's classroom. He put her down and she pushed her hair from her face, "Okay, fine. What are we learning about?" She asked. 

"Creative writing. All of the students must create their own story from a promt I gave them." Mic explained as he wrote the instructions on the board. "I can't decide on whether I want to give them multiple to choose from or just one prompt."

Haru came up to him and took the chalk in his hand, "Multiple. That way they can think about each one and figure out which story line is best for them to write." She wrote down a prompt, Mic looked at the words on the board, "Secret Society?"

"Yeah, I want to see what they come up with." She giggled. Mic liked the challenge and joined her. "Okay, I see youe secret society and raise you Time Travel."

Haru laughed at his antics and wrote down a third one, "How about writing about their fondest memory?" She asked, writing it down. Mic tilted his head and shrugged. "What about a scary time in their life?"

"Cool, write it down." She looked at the board, they had written four prompts already, they had to make one more. She looked over at Mic and grinned, scribbling the last one down and he smiled happily, "AWW! you're so sweet." Mic turned into a puddle seeing the last one, 'write about your best friend.' The class filed in and they sat down, Mic announced what they were doing and then they got to work immediately. Haru sat with him at his desk, waiting for the students to turn in their creative writing essays. One by one they placed the papers on his desk and returned to their seats. It wasn't long until the bell rang and Mic placed his papers in a folder to take home later, "What are your plans for tonight?" He asked. 

"All Might and i might go to dinner." She replied.

"Are you both getting serious?" He asked. "You both look so in love." He smiled at her knowingly. Haru looked down at her shoes and nodded. "We've known each other for so long, its almost as if we were made for each other." Haru looked up at her best friend with honest eyes, "There's just so much he keeps from me, Hizashi-"

"Oh, I know all about that." He nodded understandably. 

"What should I do?"

"Be patient with him. He's had a hard life before you came back into it, he will let you know when he is ready." He laid a hand on her back sweetly. "School is almost out for the day, let's go find him." Haru nodded and they both walked to his office. 

Deku had turned a corner in the hallway only to be snagged by a massive hand that clamped down on his shoulder, "OW! All Might? Give me a warning next time."

"Sorry, What are you doing at six tonight?" He asked him. Deku just looked at the big guy strangely. "Haru knows you saved my life from my future death. I told her about why I left Night 

"Oh. I'm not doing anything I guess." He shrugged. "The three of us?"

"Yeah, she wants to get to know you a little more."

Deku's face turned red and he looked at the floor, "What else does she know, All Might?" He asked, giving his mentor a knowing look. All Might sighed and his shoulders dropped. "Nothing else."

"You haven't told her?!" Deku's mouth was covered by his hand. 

"Not so loud." He sighed. "I am waiting for the right time."

"All Might!" He looked up at the man a bit frusterated. "You are dating her, that should've been ther first thing you should've said!" He whispered roughly. All Might nodded and knew he was in the wrong for keeping his other form a secret for so long. It made everything he had between Haru and him feel like it wasn't real. The emotion pricking at his eyes made his irises shine a clean blue, "I just don't want her to stop liking me."

"All Might." Deku looked into his eyes. "If she doesn't like you after you tell her, was she really for you?" He asked. Blocking the tears, All Might nodded. "You're right."

"I'll be ready by five thirty. Just text me the place and I'll be there."

"Thabnk you, Midorya."

Deku simply gave him a departing nod and left him in the hallway. All Might took a deep breath to calm the anxiety within him, he hated himself for keeping it a secret for this long. The urge to cut was strong but he clenched his fists and fought it, he had to be strong for the kids around him. No one needed to know that he was dealing with such a problem, especially not Midorya. His chest started to rise and fall rapidly for a second before he closed his eyes and willed himself to keep a staedy pace. He let out a slow breath from his nose and stood there until he was able to  function normally. He turned a corner and came face to face with Haru. 

"There you are!" She embraced him excitedly. "I've been looking all over for you."

"You have?" He placed his hands around the small of her back. "Did you miss me?" 

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