Good Listener.

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Haru woke up in her bed, covered in the green blanket that Sasaki gave her years ago. She clutched it to her chest and smelled it. It still smelled like him, he was the only one she would let under it when All Might wasn't around....

"Haru, you're shivering again." Sasaki came to her and draped the blanket over her shoulders. "Where is your buddy, All Might?"

"He had to go out and meet the press for an interview...I told him I'd be fine."

"You certainly don't look fine." He sat down and opened his arms, letting her scoot closer to him. "I may not have alot of muscle to warm you up like he does. I hope I'm enough."

Haru chuckled, "You're perfect, Sasaki." She replied, throwing the blanket over their laps. 

"I understand why he does this now, I always thought you two liked each other or something." He joked. Haru giggled at the comment and shook her head. 

"It warms me faster, that's all." 

They stayed that way until her shivering vanished. Every training was like that, she would train hard and then she would feel the wrath of her muscles and the stress pumping through her veins. Sasaki took good care of his assistant, almost like he took care of a daughter. He was so protective over her. 

"When All Might gets back we can all go out to get a drink, I think we all deserve to celebrate this week, we worked so hard." He winked. 

"Sounds good."

Haru wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and stood from her bed, she walked into her bathroom to splash water on her puffy red face. When she was awake enough, she walked down the steps to All Might's home to see Toshi sitting there with a cup of coffee in his hands. 

"Morning, sunshine." He smiled. "Coffee?"

"Please." She zombie walked to the counter and sat down. 

"You, okay?" he asked, handing her a cup. 

"I know you told All Might about my suicide attempt." She started. Toshi looked at her apologetically. 

"I'm sorry, Haru I-"

"If this friendship is going to work, you have to tell me when you do stuff like that." She replied. "I was going to tell him when I was ready."

"Right, please forgive me. I was just concerned for you that's all."

Haru came over to his side and faced him, "Stand up."


"Please, just stand up." She said tiredly. Toshi obeyed and stood in front of her. "Good, now open your arms."

Toshi blushed, what was she planning on doing?  "No." He crossed his arms. "This is weird."

Haru chuckled, "Trust me, come on."

Toshi opened his arms and Haru entered them sweetly, "You're lucky I am in a forgiving mood today." she spoke in his ear. 

"Lucky me." He replied. Haru gave him a pinch in the arm for the cheeky comment. "I meant the hug, silly!" He laughed and hugged her back. "I promise I wont do that again."

"Okay." She left his arms and headed back to her cup of coffee which had cooled down now. She sipped the warm, bitter drink closing her eyes in satisfaction of the warm feeling it gave her. "Thanks for the coffee. Its just what I needed."

"You're welcome." He replied, seeing her red face. "Long night?"

"Yeah, you could say that." She shook her head. "There's a lot I have to tell you."

"You should be glad that I'm a good listener." He smiled. 

She told him of what happened just the other day with All Might and he sat there acting as if he hadn't been there. "That sounds like the big guy. He would do something like that. Leaving to protect the people he loved."

"Yeah, but it shouldn't have been his only option." she crossed her arms. "He could've had us too. We could've made it easier."

"Do you know who All For One is, Haru?" He asked. 

"I only know who he is from the news." She shrugged. Toshi leaned into the counter and met her eyes.

"All For One is All Might's arch nemesis. He has the ability to steal quirks from others and give them to people he sees fit to use them. there is no telling how many quirks he has. It was hard enough when All Might defeated him by himself, he was the only one strong enough. All For One is so powerful, the other villains consider him a God but he is literally the devil himself. You couldn't face him even if you tried and I think All Might knew that you and Night Eye would do anything for him and that's why he had to cut you off."

Haru stood there flabbergasted by the description, "I see."

"He loved you both enough to let you go. I can't imagine how he felt when he did it but I'm sure it broke his heart." Toshi replied. 

"I know it did." She nodded. "He won't have anymore trouble with me." She heard Toshi laugh. 

"I think he likes the trouble a little." he chuckled. "Keeps him alert."

"Pfft!" Haru cracked up. "You're funny." She watched as he kept speaking to her, he looked so familiar. She must have met him before. The way he moved his hands when he spoke and how he smiled...why was it so close in her memory. She had never met him before.

"Haru?" He spoke up, seeing that she had stared off into space. 

"Huh?" She looked over at him and gave a fake smile. "I must still be tired."

"Will you help me with something?" He asked. "I have to go grocery shopping for the big guy. Want to help?"

"Sure. Let me get dressed." She left the house and entered hers to change into his red hoodie and some black leggings. She stepped into some boots before she came down, her white hair tumbling down in waves to her shoulders. "I'm ready."

"Okay. Let me grab the list." He took the paper from the fridge and they were off. 

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