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He only hoped it felt just as right for her as it did for him, should he have asked? Do women like when a man asks? Some of them like it when the guy makes the first move...right? It was a simple kiss, nothing too intimate. When their lips departed, he touched forheads with her, averting his eyes from her gaze. When the silence became too unbearable for him, he opened his eyes to see her at a loss for words.

So was he, he didn't expect to kiss her. his body acted on instinct. Her cheeks were flushed and her blue eyes were wide in shock, "Are you okay?" He asked, still holding her tight. He was met with only silence. The shock upon her face made him feel as if he had done something wrong. 


She just looked up at him, not saying a word. She didn't look displeased by his gesture but she also didn't seem to have any trace of acceptence of it either. 

All  Might was perplexed by her silence and didn't know what to do, "Please say somethi-"

"I have to go." She sprang up from his arms and rushed into her apartment. What was that? What made him kiss her like that? All Might sat there on the floor, flabberghasted at her reaction. His form withered away and he stood to clean up everything. 

Why did he do that? Why did he ruin everything? Everything he said about her went right out the window, the moment he kissed her. She probably thinks he's a fool for doing that now. She won't ever speak to him again. Haru pressed her back up against the door of her apartment and slumped down upon the floor to think. 

Did he just kiss her? The shock didn't wear off, it was still alive and tormenting her mind. She didn't know what to do, she didn't know how to feel. Was she allowed to feel like this? To feel like her skin could burst into flames at his touch? She played the situation over and over in her head and found herself smiling at the thought of his lips touching hers over and over again. 

The night was silent as both of them marinated in their new revelations, All Might believed she didn't like him. Haru believed she wasn't even worthy. There was a rift between them now, neither of them brave enough to mend it. Haru climbed into her bed and shivered uncontrollably, burying herself in her covers to fall asleep. 

All Might did the same, a perminent frown upon his face, the rejection he felt was so deep that he felt like he couldn't escape it. Sleep couldn't come sooner for him as he slipped into his dreams. From now on, everything would be professional. He didn't know how much he could take if he let her do the things she used to do with him. 

The next day came in a haze, both of them waking up feeling as if they had drank the night away for some reason. Haru at at the edge of her bed, today was the day of Sasaki's twentieth anneversary event. All of All Might's staff were given the day off to attend and so was she. 

She looked at the dark blue dress that All Might had so graciously bought for her so they could both go together. She wondered what would happen now that last night happened. She heard a faint knock on her door and she draped her green blanket over her shoulders and went to open it. There, standing in her dorrway was the big guy himself looking a bit scolded as he tried to avoid her eyes. 

"Good Morning."

"M-Morning, Haru." He stammered out. They stood there, eyes on the floor until they both took a breath to say something, interrupting one another. "You go first." She insisted. 

"No, you." he replied, his fingers knotted nervously. 

She gave him a weak, awkward smile and looked up at him, "I'm sorry for the way I acted last night." She took a breath to say something else but All Might didn't notce and interjected.

"Me too." He cleared his throat. "It was a mistake." Haru looked up at him surprised, a mistake? "Its dawned upon me that...we should have a professional relationship, nothing more."

"All Might-"

"I really am sorry for the trouble I caused you, I only want the best for you." 

"I know, you do." She placed a hand on his crossed arms. "You caused no trouble."

"Right." He looked her up and down, trying to make out her mood today. Haru's violet light was activated and she could feel his shame and embarassment. "I'll see you later on tonight. The limo will be picking us up at eight." He gently took her hand from his arm, rejecting it. The little action felt like it had stabbed her in the heart. She deserved it, she knew that. She didn't know why she just ran away like that, it was stupid.

He went to leave and Haru felt as if she had broken her best friend, "All Might." She said desperately. He turned back to her, "What is it, Miss Haru?"

Miss Haru? She didn't know what hurt worse, the rejection of her touch or his formal words to her suddenly. "Is there anything you need me to do for you?" She asked. 

"No, I..." His eyes expressed such a broken hearted sadness. "I would just like to spend the day by myself." 

Haru nodded and watched as he closed the door behind him, the lock clicked and she couldn't hold in the hurt she felt seeing his face. She placed a hand upon her mouth to keep the sounds of despair escaping into the air. Haru had just broken the heart of the one who she loved the most. 

Why did she run out? She could've stayed. They could've been happy waking up to this morning, instead Haru just had to let her mind torment her out of being happy. This would be a long and torturous day. 

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