𝐗𝐈𝐗 || 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠

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A/n: Uploading this evening of Saturday because I can't upload tomorrow(Sunday) 'cause of the typhoon. Hope you guys understand and hope y'all are safe.



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The Bennetts has a little get-together gathering in their garden under the shimmering evening sky. The guests were only the Weasleys, the Potters, and of course, the Lestranges. The gathering was about a celebration of Y/n and Michael's engagement. Everyone knew the reason why Y/n was marrying Michael, and they understood her because of Marigold. They knew how much she would do anything for the sake of her daughter.

"Mommy!" Marigold ran towards her mother, who is sitting on the wooden bench under the oak tree of their garden with Michael sitting by her side.

"Hi, Lottie," Y/n cooed as Marigold climbed up to her lap and showed her hand to her mother, holding a pack of candy.

"Uncle Georgy gave me sweets, Mommy." The little blonde girl effused.

"Oh, that's delightful, dearest," Y/n said softly. "Did you say thank you to your Uncle Georgy?"

"Mhm," She nodded. "And Nonna's already cutting the cake, mommy. Come on." Her eyes gleamed.

"I'll be there for a moment after I speak with your uncle Michael, alright?" She told. Her voice is as sweet as the pure honey from the beehives.

"Yes, Mommy." She said and climbed down from her lap as she ran towards her grandmother with a cheerful smile on her face.

Michael, on the other hand, still couldn't believe that she will soon adopt Marigold as his daughter. He felt the excitement run through each of his veins and he couldn't deny the fact that he loved Marigold like she is his daughter. Every time he took a glimpse in the young girl's eyes (after Y/n had said yes to his proposal), he could see or imagine himself accompanying her to the Hogwarts Express with her mother in her first year at Hogwarts and he could see himself having a father-daughter bond with her. However, he was unsure if those dreams would happen. Unsure because of the fact that maybe Y/n wouldn't love him, especially when she only accepted his proposal because of her daughter.

He doesn't have any problem with her reason, yes. But he does worry if Y/n won't develop feelings for him. And he knew that he shouldn't expect much into their marriage.

"Michael, are you alright?" Her brows curled whilst looking at him. "Is something bothering you?"

"It's nothing to worry about." He sighed as a smile appeared on his lips. "I just couldn't believe Goldie would become my daughter too."

He truly wanted to give his best for Marigold, for he knew that Marigold deserves a father who would treat her like a princess. But what if Draco found out about her? Would he still treat her like his daughter? Of course, he still would because he wanted Marigold to feel loved by the people around her.

"But..." Y/n took a breath in with her mouth before continuing her words. "After our marriage...could we..." She was truly hesitant to tell Michael, but she knew that it would be best to tell him and accept whatever decision or reaction he makes. "Could we move somewhere from here?" She finally spoke.

Michael was surprised. Although, he understood why she wanted to go somewhere far from here...that is because she doesn't want Draco to find out about her daughter or their daughter.

"Away from London?" He asked.


He smiled softly at her to assure her that it was alright with him as long as she has her reason.

"Where do you want to live?" He asked, smiling.

"I was thinking of Italy, but I don't know how to speak their language." She smiled softly. "Maybe perhaps somewhere in North America. It would be easier for Marigold to attend school since there's a wizarding school there."

"What about Tennessee? It's a state in America." Michael suggested. "My father and I have been there before and it's a great place to live. We can check in a muggle computer tomorrow. I believe that there's a lot of them in their librar-"

As Michael was supposed to finish his sentence, he felt Y/n's warm lips on his cheek, which made him blush and widen his eyes.

"Thank you." She smiled, thankful that Michael was okay with moving out from London to the United States of America.

"I— Well," He grinned softly too after stuttering. "If that's what my bride wants, I shall be happy with it."


In the estate of the Malfoys, there was too a little gathering in the living room. It was only Draco in his friends, drinking wine and chattering about their foolish days in Hogwarts whilst listening to the crackling sound of fire, burning the wood in the hearth.

"Remember when Draco's hair became pink because someone placed a pink dye in his shampoo?" Theo reminded them with a loud laugh.

"Shut up," Draco scoffed as a smile appeared on his lips, remembering that time in the last two months of their 3rd year when he screamed in the shower room and saw the water turn pink on the floor, realizing that he would be spending his weeks walking around the school with pink hair. He even remembered the stares that the students gave him. He knew that day that it was Fred and George since they love to play pranks around the school and they would often get detention because of it.

However, it wasn't only the Weasleys or the students staring at him that day that he only remembered. He remembered the way Y/n laughed at him. It was like music to his ears. He admits that he could hear the echo of her sweet laugh in his ears whilst reminiscing those days.

"Draco! Hey!" Pansy was clicking her fingers in front of Draco's face, who seems to have zoned out during the conversation.

"What?" He said sternly after being snapped back from his thoughts.

"We've been calling your name five fucking times and your mind seems to be elsewhere," Blaise told. "Pray tell, what were you thinking?" The three looked at him curiously, waiting for Draco to answer Blaise's question.

Of course, Draco wouldn't tell them. He knew that they'll give him questions that he cannot answer, or they would tell him that "See, you still have feelings for her!"

"Private Matters."

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