𝐗𝐋𝐕𝐈𝐈 || 𝐀𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤

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"Lottie, sweetheart," Y/n chuckled, picking her up from the carpet with toys and books scattered around her. "I told you not to make a mess, it'll make us late for the Amusement Park."

It was only yesterday when they decided to go to the Amusement Park in the Muggle World and Mrs Bennet was the one who suggested it due to the reason that it is Y/n's day off today since she was the one who managed the café yesterday. However, before this certain decision was made, it went through a process. First, Y/n was still uncertain about going to the amusement park because her dearest Mama did not have a day off. She wanted their trip to be the three of them, but Mrs Bennet insisted, for she couldn't leave the café without anyone managing it. Second, Marigold pleaded with her mother to go to the Amusement park, for she misses the candy floss, the rides, and other fun games like they did when they were still in France. Third and lastly, Y/n finally gave in, accepting her own defeat, in going to the Amusement Park without her mother.

"Come on, let's put these on the basket before we leave, okay?" Said Y/n softly, teaching her daughter to become a responsible person by starting to clean her own mess.

"Yes, mama." She gleefully agreed as her mother placed her down and Marigold proceeded to pick up her toys, helping her dearest mother.

As they were placing the storybooks and toys back in their perspective places, the sound of a knock came ringing on their ears, causing them to look at the front door in unison. Then Y/n wondered who would it be since she never received any letters or calls this morning as she stood up, making her way to the door. Was it Michael? Hermione? Luna? Who knows who would be at the door? Maybe perhaps...

"Draco?" She was surprised by his sudden visit as her eyes glistened from the sunlight.

"Hello," He smiled. "I came to pick Lottie up but you seemed to be surprised...Have you forgotten about her stay with me?"

Her eyes blinked twice, looking at Draco with wide eyes. It seems to be that the young miss has forgotten about her daughter's schedule of stay with Draco. She didn't even realize that days had passed ever since little Marigold's return due to the reason that she spent most of her free time on her daughter — going to parks, eating ice cream, teaching her to read and count, playing with her, and reading her stories. It's like time flew by so fast, and what made her also forget about the schedule is because of her busy schedule at her shop.

Draco, however, secretly admired how her eyes glistened at the sun's soft light and how her face glowed. Her beauty itself is captivating enough for any young man to fall. There was even one time during their fourth to sixth year when he caught many young men admiring her as he returned them a glare.

"I have forgotten and..." She pursed her lips. "And Marigold and I have already planned on going to the Amusement Park." Guilt was drawn to her eyes. "I'm really sorry."

"No, please," He chuckled. "You need not apologize. I understand."

"Daddy?" Marigold waddled her way to them to check whether the man her dearest Mama was speaking to was her dearest Papa. Then her eyes gleamed as soon as she saw her father then she effused, "Daddy!" She hugged his legs and Draco carried her into his arms, placing her on his hip. "Daddy, Mommy and I are going to the Amusement park. Can you come with us? Please, Daddy?" She pleaded.

"Lottie, your father may be bus—"

"No, it's alright." He assured. "I have nothing to do anyways."


It was a perfect day for a day for an Amusement Park trip in the Muggle World. The sun's heat was not too hot for the people to be dragging themselves into their homes to drink cold lemonades or beaches to enjoy the waves, but the wind was rather a bit chilly due to the season this month, Autumn like Marigold's favourite bear, Mr Autumns. Y/n had brought a scarf and extra clothes in case their little girl sweated too much or felt the weather was too cold for her, or in case her clothes got wet from water rides. Draco, however, upon entering the amusement park with them brought back memories. They have been here before in the summer before they became 5th year. Y/n had taken him here when he told her that he hadn't been into one before.

Y/n lowered herself down, meeting her child's height then spoke to her, "Where do you want to go first?"

"Bumper Cars!" She effused. Marigold truly loves riding bumper cars. Every time they go to Amusement parks back in France, the first thing Marigold would do was go on a bumper car ride. "I want Daddy to sit with me, Mommy."

"I thought you always wanted me as your partner?" She chuckled as Draco lovingly gazed at the two of them.

"Please, Mommy?" Her eyes gleamed and her hands intertwined together, pleading at her dearest mother.

"Alright," She chuckled again as she stood up and looked at Draco. "I hope you do still remember how to ride bumper cars."

"You and Daddy rode bumper cars???" A wide grin was plastered on her lips.

Yes, Draco and Y/n rode bumper cars when they went here before, and in fact, it was one of Draco's favourite rides among the rest. He would even tell his friends that it is to die for. So there's no doubt that he is, indeed, Marigold's father.

"Yes, my sweet girl," Draco said with a laugh followed by. "You're mother and I had once — perhaps many times — have rode the bumper cars. But I must say, I'm not quite sure if I'm still goo—" Draco was cut off when Marigold pulled him towards the bumper car ride, making Y/n laugh and follow them.

"Lottie, sweety," She said. "Slow down or you'll get hurt!"


Everything went well in their little trip. They went to various rides, ate food when they felt hungry and played games to enjoy the rest of the day. Draco even won the Popping Balloon game and was rewarded with a giant white ferret plush toy, which he finds insulting due to what happened in their 4th year. Y/n even laughed and told Marigold the whole story of it, which he didn't mind her telling it to their child, whilst they were having lunch.

As they were riding a bus back to London, Marigold fell asleep on her mother's lap along the way and even Y/n fell asleep too, trying to keep her head steady and let herself not fall. They both were tired from all the fun and games and never have ever Y/n felt this quite strange of happiness. It is as if they're already a family.

Draco noticed that Y/n had already fallen asleep. So, he gently took their little girl in Y/n's arms and cradled her as he softly placed Y/n's head on his shoulder. His heart couldn't deny that it fluttered every time he saw her smile or when something made him melt. Everything she just does just makes him want her more and more. However, all that happened to them, the situations they were in, was just making things complicated.

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