𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐕 || 𝐅𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

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A/N: Finally I was able to update a new chapter, despite my busy weeks🥹 I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting. So I'm updating early to make it up to you all. Lots of Love.✨🫶🏻



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It has been 2 days since they went to the Malfoy Manor, and Y/n could not stop thinking about Draco's bond with their daughter. They looked perfect indeed, especially when they really have so much in common. It is what this young lady has been thinking about throughout the fitting of her wedding gown for her nuptials with the young master and heir of the Lestranges.

"She's beautiful, isn't she, Goldie?" Hermione smiled as Marigold gleefully nodded in reply.

"Do you like it, dearest?" Mrs Bennett asked whilst looking at her with eyes swelled up with tears.

Although, Y/n couldn't seem to focus on the champagne-coloured gown on her body. She didn't even seem to be interested in what she looked at in front of the mirror as she stand there at the round stage. Her mind has gone off somewhere that it made her stare blankly at the mirror and not pay attention to her mother and her two friends, whom she has brought with her. Everything she hears is just mumbling and just echoes in her ears.

"Y/n?" Luna tilted her head, wondering why Y/n's focus has left her and why she hasn't been able to take interest in any gowns she has fitted in.

Marigold got down off the couch and climbed up on the round stage, suddenly hugging her mother, who got startled by her daughter's sudden embrace.

"Oh, Lottie." Y/n giggled, placing her hand gently on the top of her daughter's head. "You startled me."

"Why are you sad, mama?" The little blonde girl's eyes gleamed as she looked up at her mother.

"I'm not sad, Lottie." She smiled, gently stroking her daughter's head.

"Is it just me or did she just call you 'mama' instead of mommy?" Hermione asked.

"It's not just you, Mione." Luna giggled. "She has been calling her mama ever since she called Draco 'papa'."

"She still calls me 'mommy'." Y/n chuckled too, carrying her daughter into her arms. "She calls me 'mommy' or 'mama' whenever she feels like it." She stated whilst the Bridal Consultant approached Mrs Bennett.

"While you girls have a chat, I'll just have to go and find some more wedding gowns for you to fit." Said Mrs Bennett and stood up from the couch to go and find something that Y/n would feel like a bride in it.

Mrs Bennett has been feeling emotional whilst looking at her daughter in every bridal gown she wears. However, she felt like all the gowns that her daughter has worn, her daughter never visions herself walking down the aisle and looking at her soon-to-be husband with passionate eyes. She knew that there was still someone inside her heart. She knew that she still longs for that person even though that person is all engaged with another. But all Mrs Bennett wanted is to protect her from everything or rather everyone who hurt her daughter.

"So, tell us your thoughts about the gown, does it feel magical or does it feel like nothing?" Hermione asked.

"Do you feel like a bride in it?" Luna added whilst holding her baby bump.

Y/n placed Marigold down and took one last glance at the bridal gown, embroidered with white flowers on her sleeves and the bodice, and these tiny flowers trailed down at the back of the skirt, scattered one by one as if they faded on the tail of the skirt. It was beautiful indeed, but she felt like it wasn't for her.

"It doesn't feel anything like that..."


"Wasn't it supposed to be Blaise and Theo in my place?" Michael raised his brow whilst looking at Draco, who is being measured by the couturier, Mr Thomas.

Mrs Malfoy has called for a couturier, who has been designing suits for the two men of the House, requesting if he could make a wedding suit for Draco. She also scheduled for a dressmaker, who also has been designing for them for years, for Astoria and her bridesmaids tomorrow afternoon at the House of Greengrass. The preparations were all going well and no argument has happened between the couple. It is indeed that their relationship may just be an arrangement by both families but they did seem to like each other.

"Haven't your father told you that you are too to be taken measures for your suit?" Mrs Malfoy smiled while entering the room. "And if Blaise and Theo were here, they'll know that you're engaged with Y/n. And oh, how was the preparation going? Will there be an engagement party?"

"Everything was going well since we're trying to take some time because she values more of her time with Goldie and I understand that." He replied softly. "And the engagement party was already held. It was only a small gathering in their garden, just as how she preferred it to be."

Hearing them talk about Michael's engagement made Draco's heart feel heavy as if he wanted to leave the room. The way Michael sounds just hurts him. His voice was filled with sincerity and passion. He knew he couldn't beat Michael's sincerity for her.

"It's good to hear that, Mike." Mrs Malfoy smiled. "And oh, Mr Thomas, please do not tell anyone everything you hear in this room."

"Certainly, ma'am." Mr Thomas replied.

It is indeed that Mr Thomas and the dressmaker, Mrs Wilson, should not tell anyone about everything thing that must be kept secret that they heard inside the Manor, for they both vowed through an unbreakable vow that everything they heard will only be kept only to themselves.

"Draco, you seem like something is clouding your mind?" Mrs Malfoy noticed her son, who rather looks as if something was weighing him down." Mr Thomas, Michael, do you please mind if I ask you to wait outside for a while? I just need to talk to my son." She asked them softly. "And oh you could take Michael's measurement too in the next room as you wait."

"Yes, ma'am." Mr Thomas stopped measuring Draco's shoulder and took his notebook and measuring tape as he and Michael both headed out and closed the door, only leaving Mrs Malfoy and Draco alone.

There was silence between them. Mrs Malfoy knew this was coming, for it is the reason why she started that conversation with Michael just to see whether Draco would react or not, and he truly did.

"You still love her." Mrs Malfoy smiled calmly.

"I knew you were going to say that." A frustrated sigh left his lips.

"Draco, you know you still love her. You just won't admit it."

"Mother, I think this conversation should end." He began walking towards the door. His breath was hot as if he was breathing fire and he couldn't contain his anger. He didn't want any conversation about his feelings for Y/n because he knew damn well that it confuses him like it would break him into pieces.

"Dearest," Draco stopped from his pace upon hearing her mother whilst his back was still facing her. "I must tell you this. If you didn't listen to your heart, know that there will be consequences. You should do what your heart speaks, especially when it's still early. If you made the wrong choice again, know that this time, it is your choice. You are not forced. You have a choice unlike before. You are only afraid because of your father and his expectations of you."

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