𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈 || 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝

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Draco's eyes flickered and swelled up with tears and could even hear the loud pound of his heartbeat. Hearing her say those words made him relieved, but at the same made him even more confused about his feelings towards her.

They sat there....silently. Not a word was uttered after Y/n told him that Charlotte was indeed hers. It's like both of them couldn't process what words to say until Draco broke the silence between them.

"I..." He sighed. "How old is she?"

"Four..." She responded, her eyes still staring at the gravelled path

She's four? He heard himself inside his thoughts. And yes, he knew about the little girl's age because he found out by reading Michael's mind, but he wasn't sure if that was really the girl's age at that time. He sometimes doesn't trust his own cousin. And fuck, he even felt guiltier, knowing that the girl might be hers. But he knew Y/n wouldn't cheat, but still, he wanted to hear her tell him that the girl was his. He wanted to feel relieved even though he knew that Charlotte was her daughter too. However, he wanted to know the young girl's name first, for he doubted at the very start that Michael gave him a fake name.

"What's her name?" Draco was already eager to know about the little girl, now that he found out that the child was hers, not a ward of her friend, Hermione Granger. "Is the child mine?"

Heavy breaths escaped Y/n's lips as she her hands gripped tightly on her coat.

"Marigold..." She pursed her lips and her eyes were avoiding his. "Marigold Charlotte Bennett...and yes...she's your daughter." She finally answered, leaving Draco in an emotion that describes 'She named her after her favourite flower.'

However, Draco admits that his heart fluttered that he has a daughter. The happiness he felt was different. And yes, he couldn't process about it at first but all that matters is that he already knew the truth.

"You named her after your favourite flower." He smiled softly, remembering how much she always wanted to have a daughter named 'Marigold'. She would always tell him about it, somehow like — "I really wanted to have a daughter named Marigold. Wouldn't that be fascinating?" or "If we are to have a daughter, please allow me to name her Marigold. It would mean so much to me."

"Yeah..." She sighed, smiling softly too.

Silence again fell upon them, listening to the crickets as the moon went out from the clouds, letting its dim rays shoot on the two young people, who had once loved each other.

"Do...do you think Marigold will like me?" He asked, lifting her head and looking at her.

Her eyes were still staring at her hands on her lap then she uttered, "I think she will."

"Can I..." Of course, Draco was hesitant to ask her, but he really wanted to. "Can I see her tomorrow?"

A smile crept up again to Y/n's lips as her eyes laid upon his and spoke, "Of course..."


"He knew about Marigold?!?" Mrs Bennet gasped after hearing about Draco finding out about the young girl. "Is this the reason why Michael said to meet you there?"

Y/n nodded silently whilst sitting on her bed after she placed Marigold to bed.

"He wanted to see her tomorrow, Mama..." Her voice rather sounds flat or perhaps tired. It's like she couldn't process everything that just happened this evening. She was still quite shocked that she had already told Draco the truth.

"Don't you think it's a bit too fast? Are you alright with this?" Worry was laced in her mother's voice.

Again, Y/n sat there silently.

She was supposed to be sleeping next to Marigold at this hour, but here she was, telling her mother what just happened that evening. She knew sooner or later, Marigold would wake up and find her. But she wanted to let everything out — the pain inside her chest — because she didn't want to let her daughter see her like this — guilty and unhappy.

"Darling, dear, you do know you could tell him that you aren't ready yet." Mrs Bennett's brows curled.

"But, Mama, he has every right to see her." Her voice started to break as she held a grip on her pyjama pants. "I have kept her hidden from him for 5 years. The way I looked at his eyes, Mama, he looks...he looks so...I..." Tears were already forming in her eyes. "I should've told him on the very first day I knew I was pregnant. I should've told him. The way he looked at me after finding out about her, the desperation for truth in his eyes, it made me feel guilty, Mama. I don't know what to tell him if he asked me why I hid her."

"Oh, sweetheart." Mrs Bennet hugged her daughter. "You told me you didn't want to tell him because you were scared and you didn't want to ruin his life because of you. You have a reason. I'm sure he'll understand."

"But I made the wrong decision." She cried.

"Y/n, you just did what you have to do. You wanted to protect her." Mrs Bennett said softly. "You're just being a mother to her, sweety. You did your very best."

Then, suddenly, they both heard the door creak open and saw Marigold, who woke up from her sleep, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand whilst holding her favourite bear, Mr Autumns.

"Mommy?" Marigold spoke in her still-sleepy voice.

Y/n hid her face from her daughter, wiping the tears quickly from her eyes and cheeks so that Marigold wouldn't notice.

"Why are you hugging mommy, Nonna?" Marigold curiously asked.

"She was tired, sweetheart." Mrs Bennett smiled and carried Marigold into her arms. "Hugging can sometimes make you feel at ease whenever you feel tired."

"Can I hug Mommy too, Nonna? I want Mommy to not get tired." The little blond girl replied as Y/n took her in Mrs Bennett's arms.

"I would love that, Lottie." Y/n kissed her chubby cheek whilst Marigold wrapped her arms around her neck, hugging her dearest Mama.

"Are you feeling better now, mommy?" Marigold asked, making Mrs Bennett melt and even Y/n.

"Yes," Y/n smiled. "Thank you, dearest." She said, giving a sweet kiss on her daughter's forehead. "Say good night to your nonna before you sleep." Her voice was low yet so gentle like the leaves that danced with the calm wind.

"Good night, Nonna." The little girl smiled whilst looking at her grandmother.

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