Chapter 21 - Day 5 Of The Internship Week || Warp Gate

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Wait-Is Toga her first name or is Himiko?
Slight TW. Mentions of the gunshot that happened at the USJ
Also I'm sorry for not updating in almost two months...T-T So here's a nice long chapter for y'all :)

The villainess didn't answer. I stayed silent as well. But instead of gaining an actual response, I watched as she passed out and fell asleep right then and there onto my shoulder. 

Taken back, I reluctantly wrapped her in my scarf and lifted her up, carrying her on my back. 

I passed the room that the whipping sound came from, and I realised why Midnight and Present Mic weren't fully handling the situation in Glitch's Hospital Room. 

They were having a talk with the people in the room. Midnight seemed to be losing it. I could hear her shouting about them being idiotic and totally irresponsible - for bringing a weapon into a safe place such as a hospital - from out here. 

It was about five minutes later when I felt the teen move, indicating that she had woken up. I set her down against the wall as her eyes began to flicker open.  

She stayed silent. So did I. It didn't take long for me to realise that she was having some sort of intense staring match with me. I've learned my lesson from all those times before, so I stared back at her, objecting the strange thoughts coming to mind and ignoring the idea of what people would think if they saw this. 

A few moments later, she tilted her head slowly, like a curious kitten. Out of instinct, I mimicked her motion. That's when she blinked. 

Her eyes began to trail around the room. I've met a lot of stray cats before. They were cautious when they first caught sight of me, and they act just like Glitch did now. Weird connection. 

She looked back at me, giving me a look as if to ask where she was. I slowly got up. She did the same. The silence going on right now...I noticed it wasn't as uncomfortable as all of the other times. Huh. For some reason, this gave me a sense of security.  

She looked back at me. She was standing regularly. I blinked. My eyes must be playing tricks on me. There's no way she could be standing so straight with strained knees caps and an almost fractured ankle. Not to mention that she didn't wince in pain. Not even once. 

I looked at her. Something tells me that staring calms her down somehow. Oddly enough. 

"Glitch, do you...feel any sort of pain right now?" 

Her eyes flickered. It was barely noticeable. I guess that answers my question. 

But how can she keep such a straight face if she's hurting? 

"What happened?" She asked softly, her voice barely louder that a faint whisper. 

"You don't remember?" I asked her. "After what happened at the Orphanage-"  "Oh." She wearily looked around the building again. "What time is it?" "Around 1:30." I answered.

She looked at me. "Is some of the pain gone?" I asked her. Yes, I'm moving back to that topic. She looked down for a moment. "...My head stopped pounding." That was probably because of her concussion. 

"That's good." I said. 

I noticed that she realised the knees braces on her knees. She squinted her eyes in confusion. 

"The doctors are the ones that put those knee braces on you." I said, pointing to the blue braces on both of her knees. I heard her breath hitch a bit. "When did this happen?" 

"Not too long ago." I responded in my usual monotone voice. I don't want to alarm her too much. "What else?" She demanded. I brought a hand to the back of my neck. "Well, I don't know what they did with your ankle since you knocked them out before they could inform me. But the same bandage is on your foot...and they also took a DNA and Blood Sample-"

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