Chapter 19 - Day 3 Of The Internship Week || ...Daichi...?

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Aizawa POV

I noticed that Iida picked an internship with a lower class offer from a hero in Hosu City. I don't know if it's just me but that seems a little strange.

Anyway, I got up from my desk and made my way to Present Mic and All Might. All Might was the one that had 'Amaya' so once he saw me, he brought her in my direction. "Alright, Glitch." I said. "Let's go." Glitch seemed to notice that something was different and she changed into her normal self. Black Mask and all. "What's new?" She asked. 

"Do you remember the deal we made in return for taking you prisoner here at U.A?" I asked, wrapping my scarf around her when we made a turn. "Of course I do." She said, rolling her eyes. "Well...At least I think I do." (🎵) *See Description

"Do you remember what we said?" I asked, looking over my shoulder and bringing her in front of me. She looked up in thought. "Uh..." She mumbled. Did she really not remember? This is the villain who we couldn't capture. Wow. 

"Oh!" She exclaimed suddenly after a few moments. "That you have a lie detector so I shouldn't try anything funny?" Who said--Oh right. The man who called her a coward back then.

"That's part of it". I replied. "Think harder." Why am I even talking to her like this? It's like she's a child studying and I'm the one helping her. What's happening to me? "Um...Oh yeah. That I have to rat out a villain of your choice."

"Correct." I pushed her into the room. We were met with three people. A man that All Might had requested to investigate, and two other men as security in case Glitch decides to attack. "Hello Eraser." The detective greeted me, turning away from the two other men in the room. "Hello Tsukauchi." I responded. "Here she is."

Tsukauchi approached her normally but cautiously as her eyes explored her surroundings. "I've never seen this room before. It's pretty big!" She exclaimed. Tsukauchi looked at me. All Might said that he had already informed him about Glitch's 'mood swings' and the Quirks that we've seen, and her hatred of being touched.

I gave Tsukauchi the girl's phone. He turned it on and looked it over. A few moments later, he looked at the men behind him, who came forward as soon as they met his gaze. "Nothing wrong here." He said. "Nothing in her contacts or messages. Although, I did find two games on her phone. But other than that, the phone's good."

"So are you like a detective or something?" Glitch asked, getting everyone's attention. "You don't look a like Pro-Hero that I've seen before." Tsukauchi nodded. "I've also been told that you've already been 'notified' about my arrival." He said. Glitch shook her head. "Nope. Don't think so." She said.

"The only time I could have been told about you was if you're a villain or a lie-detector. And you could never be a villain're the lie detector?"  "That's correct. So if I ask you a question, you won't be able to lie about it."

Glitch laughed. "So the lie-detector is a human?!" Then she gave the ground a glare. "First weapons, now lie-detectors..." Then she looked at me. "What's next?! Trees?!"  "Now you got too see her mood-swings in action." Present Mic said, walking into the room and locking it.

"Oh hey!" She said in a friendly tone. "I didn't know you were coming too." "There's a lot of things you don't know." The man on the right of the detective growled. "Same to you!" She said. 

Your POV

The man on the left of the detective calmly locked the handcuffs tightly and proceeded by placing the bracelet right above my wrist. Then, the man on his right revealed another bracelet in his grasp. "I should've brought this out from the start." He grumbled. Then he faced me with a 'dark' expression. "When we're here, you're going to be wearing two of these. Whether you like it or not." He said in a low voice. It was quite obvious that he was trying to intimidate me. Trying to show me that out of the two of us, he's the boss.

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