Chapter 18 - Day 2 Of The Internship Week || Updates with Aizawa

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*Small mentions of death*

Also, I'm sorry for not posting. 😭 I was working on my other stories. Check them out!  ̄︶ ̄

Aizawa had Glitch's phone in his hands. The very phone that he himself had confiscated. The one that belonged to the villain who they didn't capture, but surrendered themselves. Aizawa sighed. She was a child. Or at least she acted like one. So why couldn't Aizawa understand her? Why was she so difficult to answer? Frankly, Aizawa was a little frustrated. A teenage villain shouldn't be this-

Aizawa took a moment to drink some water. It wasn't that difficult to calm down. He was a teacher after all. He should be used to this type of ignorance already. His thoughts were interrupted with a small but rapid knock on the Classroom Door. 

Aizawa got up and walked to the door. Once he opened it, he was surprised to see Glitch standing there. Her hand was still where the door was, with her fingers curled. She tilted her head as she brought her hand down. "Hi Aizawa!" She exclaimed. 

He looked down at her. "What do you want?" He asked sternly. "And why isn't someone supervising you?"

She giggled. "Well, I woke up early and bugged All Might. Then I stayed at where you guys keep all the telephones because Broccoli still hadn't called yet, and then I came here. I got bored so I cuffed myself to the doorknob before my mind told me to run away." She gestured to the cuffed wrist resting on the doorknob. 

"And I realised that I wanted to ask you something." She continued. "Do you have anyone I can kill?"

At that exact moment, Aizawa wrapped you with his capture weapon, quickly uncuffed her hand from the door and brought her inside the classroom, slamming the door shut in the process. 

"No. Nobody is getting killed here at U.A." He told you. "Alright." You giggled. "Why would you even ask such a question if you already knew the answer?" Aizawa asked. You looked up to him. "Because I'm bored." You shrugged. "You took away my phone, my targets are gone, Broccoli hasn't called yet which means I still have no reminder, I've got no entertainment, that lying rat you call a Principal would be too busy drinking tea to give me any real fun, and I don't have anything to do. So I thought I'd mess with you a little bit."

Just then, the telephone in the classroom rang. "Ooh! Is it Broccoli?!" You asked excitedly, easily wiggling out of Aizawa's grasp. No. It was Tsukauchi. Aizawa cuffed Glitch to his wrist and kept her in place with his scarf with one hand while holding the phone in the other. "Hello?"  "Hello Eraser. I apologise for the sudden phone call. All Might told me to contact you when I was available so that we can discuss the matter in more detail."

Aizawa clutched the phone tighter. "Alright. When exactly is that?" He asked, pulling on the chain of the cuffs to keep Glitch from escaping. "Well, I can still meet her tomorrow as planned. But an appointment for today was just rescheduled so I could use the free time to get a closer look at her and observe. Maybe I could figure out if she's hiding something or if she's doing something that allows her to use the Quirk that I was told about." Tsukauchi said. "I suggest that I come to U.A and follow her around a bit without her notice before the actual meeting tomorrow."

"Sounds good." Aizawa said. "Great. I'm already on my way. I should be there in about 15 minutes at max. See you then."

Aizawa placed the phone down and looked at Glitch. She was sitting on Shoji's desk, swinging her legs back and forth. "Aizawa." She said in the same previous tone. "So I did some research...And I noticed that you haven't gotten rid of any of your students yet." 

Aizawa didn't answer at first. How was he supposed to respond anyway? "Yeah. Did you find that interesting?" He asked. "Yeah! I did!" She exclaimed. "So, are you absolutely, positively sure that I can't kill anyone? A little blood couldn't hurt. Well, actually I guess it could but-"  "Yes. I'm sure." He interrupted. "Fine..." She muttered, swinging her legs a little harsher. 

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