Chapter 8

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Your POV

After the USJ incident, (and all the injured had gotten healed) the teachers held up some sort of meeting, asking me all these questions. I swear, if they kept it up they were going to sound like those annoying reporters at the entrance gate.

There was "What is your relationship with Tomura Shigaraki?" and "Where exactly did you see Shigaraki?" With me being me, I decided I wasn't going to tell them anything. Especially if Shigaraki heard that I told them our information and took it the wrong way. He looked so sad and angry when he thought I was on the heroes side. Poor Tomura...

Of course, they might've been a little frustrated but I never signed up to be captured just to tell them all the details of my personal life. No thank you.

Almost immediately after, Aizawa announced that there was going to be a Sports Festival to the class. Everyone was so excited. My eardrums were being tortured. I wonder if that was the punishment for not saying anything at the meeting. Oh well.

The next few classes were filled with them training and using their quirks to their advantage. One class, All Might had brought me in to watch.

Just about at the end of their training, most of the students ran up to me. Why? I don't know. "Too close." I told them "Boundaries."  "Oh. Sorry. We just wanted to thank you again. For helping us with training the other day." Kirby said. "Yeah. Your advice really helped." Mina said. "I just told you what you couldn't see. I didn't help you." I told them. Wait a second. This is all part of Nezu's plan, isn't it? "Glitch, students, I need to tell you something." Aizawa said, as he walked up to us. I went to his side. 

Blondie and Todoroki stopped their stretching at the far corner and came our direction. Midoriya stopped talking to All Might and came in our direction. Once everybody was here, he took a heavy breath. "Glitch is coming with us to the Sports Festival." he said. "Huh?" I asked, like I was confused. Frankly, I kind of came to this conclusion when he first mentioned the Sports Festival. There's basically no way they're gonna leave a villain alone here at U.A.

3rd Person POV

"Why is that villain participating?!" Bakugou said. "Blondie, he said I'm coming with you not participating with you." You said. Then you scoffed. "Please, I have better things to do then to take part in some stupid event like this."

"Besides, we can't leave her here so she's coming with us." Aizawa said, bored. Bakugou only said "Tch, whatever." in return. 

"But. We'd have to disguise you." Aizawa continued. "There is a very high chance that people would recognise you in an instant. And even when we do, disguising what you look like won't change the way that you act." "What exactly are you saying, Aizawa?" You asked. "Choose your words wisely."

"I'm saying that looking different isn't enough. You have to act it, too."  "Yeah no. I'm not acting to save people from fear. Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds?" You said, crossing your arms. "In any case, I wouldn't even be seen. I'd probably be in the 'announcing place' where Present Mic would be. Right?"  "Yes. That is correct. But it's better to be safe than sorry." All Might said from behind the students.

"What would you look like? Ooh! Can I help?!" Mina asked enthusiastically. "I could help out, too!" Creator exclaimed. Soon basically all the girls were asking to help out with your disguise. Again. Why? You didn't know. But it was all part of Nezu's plan, "Knock yourselves out." Aizawa said walking out, hands in his pockets. "Excuse me?" You asked. That's when you noticed All Might sneaking out. But you didn't give it another thought.

"This isn't normal." You said. Most of the students left at the time, leaving only Mina, Creator, Frog, Kirby, Jirou, Ghost and you.  "What isn't normal?" Kirby asked. "What y'all are doing. Helping out with another person's clothing, or in this case, disguise." You said.

"What do you mean? Of course it's normal" Ghost exclaimed. "Think of it as a makeover!"  "A what?" You asked. "A makeover! You know, remodeling your hair and clothing, maybe add some makeup."  "I'm sorry. Are you talking about those gross sticks and tubes and coloured chalk-looking squares that you put on your face?" You asked, disgusted. "No thank you."  "Ok. Maybe no makeup. But come on. At least the hair and clothes!" Mina said cheerfully.

"Yeah no. I think I got it." You said, walking out the door. "Wait! Pleeeease???" Mina begged. "What are you gonna even look like?" Jirou asked curiously. "Good question." You said, stopping in your tracks.

"I'll go with whatever comes up." You said. You clapped your hands, changing your clothes into a loose green long sleeved shirt and black leggings. The girls' eyes widened. How did you do that? "Alright. I got my disguise down. So absolutely no makeup is required." You said as you clapped your hands and returned to your normal self. "See ya!" You smiled and waved as you left the training room.

It was quiet for about 2 seconds when you had left until Creator asked, "Was I seeing things or did she just use another quirk?"  "If you were seeing things, then so was I." Mina said. "We should probably go tell Mr. Aizawa."  With that, the girls ran out of the room and dashed to Classroom 1-A.


(A/N: Sorry that it's short. I'll make up for it in the next chapter.) 

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