Chapter 3

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Is Mineta smelling Kirishima's hand?? Or is that just a height problem?


Once I opened the door, All Might was no longer there, and in his place was some man walking down the halls. How could he have disappeared so quickly? And where did that man come from? I don't think he was in the halls earlier. I would have heard him. That means that All Might's time limit probably ran out so this is what he looks like once his time does run out. "Interesting..." I mumbled as I looked at his current form. Once he made a turn around the hall, I caught a glimpse of his face and I realized that he wasn't smiling. Finally got sick of it maybe? 

The next day (At Training)

"Here I am, students!" All Might declared, back to his strong, smiling form. I mentally slapped myself. How did I get stuck in this situation again? "Alright, Glitch." All Might said, turning to me. "I'll be the one in charge. You will help me if I need any assistance. I'll be watching you. I won't interfere but if you try any funny stuff I won't hesitate to stop you." "Yeah sure."

"Alright students! There may be times where you will be put into a situation where using your Quirk is not an option." He looked at me. I sighed. "Nobody likes a weak adversary. So I guess he's saying that by relying on your Quirks alone, you're already exposing your plan to your opponent, making you completely predictable." 

"Nicely said!" All Might declared, giving me a thumbs up. "So for half of the training time, fight without your Quirk and for the rest of the time, fight with your Quirk. Glitch, please place them in groups." I slightly groaned. Is he becoming lazy or is he just doing this to get under my skin for what happened yesterday?

All Might POV

"All of you guys whose Quirk is best used for far-ranged attacks only or close-ranged attacks only, go over there." She muttered, pointing towards the building prop. "You will be named Group A!" I proclaimed. 

"All of you whose Quirk is best used for defense, over there. I guess you're Group B."  She mumbled, pointing to an open space. 

"Quirk-users who go for far-ranged attacks and close-ranged attacks together, way over there. You're Group C." 

"And lastly, all of you whose Quirks are used for none of the listed, over here. You're Group D." 

Soon, the whole class was divided into groups. "Alright!" I shouted. "Those of you in Group A, find yourself an associate in Group B. Same thing with Group C and D." Once everybody was partnered up, I heard Glitch gasp in delight. "Hold on." She said, perfectly flipping over to where a big red button was. "Can I press it?!" She exclaimed childishly.

"Sure!" She immediately pressed it, causing rock-like platforms to rise from the ground. "Nice!" She said nodding. "Ok. Now go fight or whatever."  "And while you're at it, see if you can get more information about your opponent's Quirk." I added

~ Time Skip To Near The End Of Training ~ (3rd Person POV)

All Might thought that since Glitch was behaving so well, he should let her hang around on the set for the last 15 minutes. Her mood was changing from one to the other so she was acting a little child-like. She was laughing and playing by jumping from roof to roof and catching herself from falling off of random things. It was a bit odd to watch but All Might was managing. Near the end of training she flipped over to a group of panting students.

"Oh wow. You're still doing this?" Glitch asked in mock-disbelief. "I don't know how you could ever get sick of this place! It has so much space! No metal walls, no cameras, and most importantly, no idiotic warden threatening you not to move a muscle. You know, 'cause if you move a muscle he shoots it off? None of that!" She exclaimed, leaping up to All Might.

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