-chapter thirty-six-

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WC: 936

Warning: sad, crying, rape, fight, violence, mention of blood


-Matteo's pov-

"Y/n where you raped?" I asked and she broke down.

Y/n broke down crying on the floor and when I went to hold her she crawled down the table "its okay its okay, I know you don't wanna be touched" I said and she cried.

I bent down and looked at her "I promise I wont hurt you" I said and she looked at me "I swear I wont do anything" I told her.

She was so scared, I mean I don't blame her.

"Please can I hold you" I asked gently and she looked at me for a minute then nodded.

I gently picked her up and brought her to my room as she cried into me "Y/n was it baker?" I ask and she nodded sobbing "h-he" she tried to speake but couldn't. "its okay love your safe now"

As I was comforted her she spoke "theo?" "mhmm" I looked at her and she bit her lip clinching on my shirt "please don't leave me" her voice broke. "I promise I wont" I said kissing her head and the mumbled a quite "thank you".

Moments later she fell asleep in my arms. I looked at her vulnerable state and my heart throbbed.

I'm going to kill him

I gently covered her body with my bed sheets and kissed her tear stained cheeks before getting my wand and leaving.

I went to the hall and quickly walked to my friends "I need your help" I told them and they all looked at me "who's dying?" Lorenzo asked seriously as he saw my facial expressions.

I told them who and started making our plan.

Draco and Blaise were going to ask baker to come for a quick quidditch practice and take him to the locker room where I'm going to beat the shit out of him.

As Lorenzo and I waited in the locker room he asked me why am I doing this "its personal" I told him and he nodded not wanting to piss me off.

I heard baker's stupid laugh and looked at Lorenzo "I'll keep a lookout" he said leaving. "riddle what are we doing here" he asked and glared at him then looked at Draco and Blaise who understood what I wanted and left.

"what's going on?" he asked and I walked closer to him "you know I heard a lot of things about you baker" I said and he started taking a few steps behind "bad things of course".

"but I never thought you could be this sick" his back hit the wall "raping girls" I said and his eyes widened "i-I don't know what your t-talking about" he said "oh you don't"

"let me give you a hint, princess Y/n?" I said feeling my blood boil "princess Y/n loved what I did to her" he said and I lost control. I punched his face causing him to fall to the ground.

"you liar peace of shit!" I got on top of him and started punching him again, and again and AGAIN.

After a while, Lorenzo called for Draco and Blaise to help him stop me before I actually killed henry.

I got my wand out and yelled "Crucio!" henry was lifted off his feet. He writhed through the air like a drowning man, thrashing and howling in pain. "Matteo stop!!" Lorenzo yelled but I didn't.

I waited for a few more seconds then stopped "if you ever go near her or any other girl I'll fucking Avada Kedavra you" I said walking out.

I quietly entered the dorm and was a little surprised to see Y/n awake 

"where did you go" she softly asked "nowhere" I said and she notice my knuckles and gasped "Matteo what did you do" she asked walking toward me.

"I'm fine" I told her and she shook her head taking out the first aid kit from my bathroom and telling me to sit on the couch. she sat next to me and started whipping off the blood with a warm damp towel.

"is it henry" she asks and I nod "you didn't have t-" "of course I had too, he raped you Y/n!" I snaped in anger "that fucker deserves to die, I'm going to tell my father" I told her "no one is allowed to touch you without your consent what sick bitch dose that"

As Y/n was fixing me she changed her position and sat on my lap to get a better view of my face.

When she was doing my face I couldn't help but get lost in her beautiful y/e/c eyes.

She has such pretty eyes.

"Alright I'm done" she says and I smile "thank you" I say and she lightly giggles "I should be the one thanking you" she creased my cheek.

God have I missed her touch.

I leaned in and locked our lips together, my hands moved from her waist and she quickly pulled away "sorry theo I can't right now" she teared up "no its okay, you have nothing to be sorry for" I said wiping her tears away.

it's my fault what was I thinking

I picked her up and took her to my bed, I got in and pulled her closer to me wrapping my arms around her to make her feel protected.

from now on she will always be protected.

I softly stroked her hair knowing that it makes her sleep faster.

When I heard her soft snores I smiled and kissed her head "I promise to always protect you" 




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