-chapter twenty-seven-

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WC: 815 

Warning: none


I woke up in Matteo's arm's

looked over and saw him peacefully sleeping, he looks so cute.

"staring is rude" he suddenly spoke and I laughed "okay theo get up" I said and he whined "no let's go back to sleep, it's too early".

"no wake up!!" I giggled shaking him but he didn't wake up so I got on top of him and started jumping shaking my hair on his face until he woke up.

"okay stop it I'm up" he laughed holding my waist stopping me from moving. 

"are you going to wake up?" I ask and he nodded "are you also going to help me with making breakfast" I say and he shook his head.

"yes you are now come on" I smiled pulling him up but he immediately pulled me back down "theo!!" I giggled and he pulled me down resting my head on his chest "five minutes" he spoke softly stroking my hair.

Five minutes turned into an hour, we got up and I wore a hoodie of his that covered me well and he wore some sweatpants and a random jacket only zipping it halfway.

We walked to the kitchen and no one was there, "love did you forget that we have elves and maids that can make us whatever we want" he groaned "but I wanna make pancakes with youuu" I said and he chuckled.

"you like pancakes right" I ask and he nodded "but I like waffles more guess why" he said with a goofy grin that made me smile "why" "because waffles are basically pancakes with abs" he said making me laugh.

"you're an idiot" I laughed and he playfully rolled his eyes "alright shorty what do we do first" he clapped his hands and I gave him a quick glare before taking out a small bowl since it's just the two of us.

"where are your measuring cups" I ask and he shrugged, I sighed and quickly found all the things I need.

"do you wanna do something riddle or would have to do everything" I said and he thought for a second "I'll help" he said and I gave him the measuring cup and told him to place a 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour.

I got the table spoon out and placed threw 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of baking powder and a 1/4 teaspoon of salt.

Matteo cracked two 2 large eggs and threw the eggshells on me "hey!" I garbed the teaspoon and threw it at him. "you did not just do that" he said "I did get over it" I giggled and suddenly sugar is thrown at me. I gasped.

"Matteo riddle you did not just do that" "I did get over it" he mimicked and I garbed the powdered sugar throwing it at him.

"oh it's on" he garbed the flour and I ran to the other side "come back here" he walked toward me and I ran away from him.

I ran down the hall and he was after me with the flour still in his hand "stop following me" I laughed "no get back here potter" he chuckled.

I ran around the corner and hid in a place where I thought he couldn't find me but I was wrong, suddenly two hands grasped a hold of my waist lifting me from my hiding place.

He placed me on a random counter in the corridor, I was face to face with Matteo, his beautiful chocolate eyes staring at me. "say sorry" he said and I shook my head smiling.

"say sorry or I'll throw this whole packet of flour on you" he said bring out the flour and I squeaked in surprise. "say sorry!!" he laughed bringing it closer to me "okay, okay I'm sorry now get this away from me".

Matteo placed down the flour down and kissed my lips, I smiled into the kiss and he deepened it wrapping my legs around him. We pulled away to capture our breaths.

I looked at him and he smiles dreamily, I placed my hand on his cheek getting closer to him "your crazy" I whispered and he lightly chuckles.

"too bad your stuck with me" he smiled and wrapping my legs around him again, he picked me up taking me back to his room. "I'll tell the maid to make us the waffles" he said and I nodded burying my face onto his neck placing a couple of kisses there. 

-queen lea's pov-

Lilly and were walking around when we heard yelling and laughter from the other corridor so we decided to check that out.

Y/n and Matteo were having a really cute moment together and it really made our hearts melt.

I don't think I have ever seen Matteo smile or laugh this much because of a girl. He is so happy and I could see the sparks of love in their eyes.

"come on lets go" Lilly giggled and we went to tell our husbands what we saw. They were very happy to hear that not only because both their kids are happy but also because it'll make things much easier for the future. 

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