✿the worry that saved you✿

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the worry that saved you

fluff / angst

suggestion by : MitsuriSimpsRiseUp

It's been 2 years now since Giyuu and Muichiro started dating

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It's been 2 years now since Giyuu and Muichiro started dating. The first year was going perfectly, their relationship was perfect. Until something happened with Giyuu. One day he came from work and just went to his room without saying a word to Muichiro. Muichiro was really worried about him and didn't know what happened. Some time have passed and Giyuu begin to drink... a lot. Every single day when Muichiro came home, Giyuu was on a couch, passed out. He never told Muichiro what happened and that bothered him a lot. Their relationship was getting worse. There were many nights when Muichiro just laid in bed and cried. He didn't know what happened. He thought it mind be because of him. One day when Muichiro came home from work, he dropped on the couch exhausted from the work. He just wanted to take a nap, but then Giyuu came. He began to scream at him. Muichiro didn't understand what he did wrong. Giyuu then grabbed him by his hand and slapped him across his face. That was the first time Giyuu somehow hit Muichiro. Day by day the beating just got worse.

Tanjiro's pov

I laid on my bed scrolling through the social media. I had nothing to do, I texted many people if they wanted to hangout but everyone was busy with something. I dropped my phone next to me on the bed. I was thinking about what Giyuu told me yesterday. "I'll be having a party at my house tomorrow. Feel free to come." I really had nothing to do so I texted Giyuu when I can come to the party. He answered immediately with "come whenever Idc". I turned my phone off and walked up to my closet. When I changed my clothes I grabbed my phone and was on my way to Giyuu's house.

When I got to Giyuu's house I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open them. Before someone opened I could hear Giyuu screaming at someone. I thought that someone was already there for the party but when he opened the door and I asked him about it he said that there's no one else here.

It was around 6pm. Everyone who came to the party was already drunk. I didn't drink, I just came to the party because I know how embarrassing people can be when they are drunk. So I thought I could get some videos and then show them to Giyuu. I turned on my camera and began to record others. Just a minute later Giyuu and another dude were kissing while everyone else was staring at them. I laughed and turned off the camera. Then suddenly something could heard  from the kitchen like something broke. I was curious what it was so I stood up and went to check. When I got to the kitchen I saw another guy on the ground picking glass from the floor. I walked up to him and tapped on his shoulder. He immediately flinched and looked at me. When he realized who I was he sighed with relief and asked.

✓Long One Shots ~ Part One (MuiTan - TanMui)✓Where stories live. Discover now