Chapter 7: Saying What I Promised I Would Never Say

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Trigger warning again! Mention of rape and torture. Don't read if you aren't comfortable with those themes.

Let me die. Please, I don't want to feel ever again. Hands grabbed my arm and yanked me on my feet. I tried to scream when my broken leg hit the floor and pain shot up my body, but my voice was broken. I was violently pushed against the wall. My arm broke, I fell on the floor. He picked me up again. I lost the count of how many times he hit and raped me. Pain was the only thing that was constant. I don't know how long I have been down here. I knew I haven't had any food since forever. My body didn't have the time to heal between each beating. He kept on going. Footsteps. He's here. Dark-Soul. Raised my chin with his finger.
"Good job, son. Looks like she's completely broken."
I didn't have the strength to do anything, I just stared at him. Broken. Tears fell freely from my face to the floor. Broken. Blood everywhere. Broken, soiled. Alone. No one knew I was here but them.
"You ruined my plans, Rishka. I have been benevolent in the past during re-education. I won't be this time." he smiled, flames licking his hands.
He burned me. Burning until the few unbroken bones I had left broke. I fell again. He kept burning. My voice didn't work. Tears had stopped. I just twisted and trashed around from the pain, no sound coming out of my mouth. Finally, darkness filled my mind.
I couldn't see. I was awake, but I couldn't see. There was only darkness. I whimpered, my voice had started healing but several of my bones were still broken. I still was. Someone was approaching.
"You're probably wondering why you can't see. I figured you didn't need your eyes, so I took them away from you."
Junior should be renamed Sadist. I knew that wasn't the reason why he took my eyes. He had way more fun seeing the broken look I had in my eyes.
"You don't need to lie to me. What's the point? I'm broken."
Even my voice sounded brok... My nose just exploded.
"I told you, no talking unless it's to scream or to answer a question."
More burning, my arms snapped again.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
"I'm sorry, who?"
"I'm sorry, Master." I sobbed.
I was officially broken.
I repeated it over and over again. I felt him inside me. I said it again and again. I just wanted him to stop. He eventually did.
"Someone says he saw you through your eyes and is searching for you. That's why."
He should have kept the first lie, because this one hurt even more. I knew no one was looking for me. He knew that as well. There was no hope for me. I would be Sadist's broken toy for the rest of my life.
"Stop! Stop! No! No!"
Those were the only thing I said from now on. He kept pounding. Breaking bones, breaking me even more, until I couldn't feel anything.
The moments where I was conscious all resembled each other. I was begging Sadist, and sometimes Dark-Soul, to stop. Stop breaking me even more than I already was. Eventually, I started asking them to kill me. I kept shouting the same thing until my voice broke, healed, only to break it again. They never stopped. Sometimes I would hope that I was able to have children, so this wouldn't be happening.
One day, I don't know how long after all this started, I heard something different. There was more footsteps than normal. Voices. Sadist was one of them. I recognized the others. All males. 4. Border patrols. I had beaten them all before, but now, I couldn't do anything but hope they were here only to beat me now that I couldn't defend myself. I recoiled back to a corner. Waiting in the darkness. The door opened. I couldn't see them, since Sadist kept popping my eyes once they healed.
"Rishka, I've brought some old friends. Right, you can't see them. I can tell you that they are very pleased to see you like this. You. Naked and broken."
I tried changing again, but I couldn't. My body hadn't healed. I was unable to defend myself. Unable to run or fight. Unable to do anything but scream. I knew what they were here for. I felt the excitement in their voices. I still had hope for a beating but there wasn't much of me left to break. Unzipping. Yeah, definitely no beating. Shame, beatings were easier to endure. Hands pulled and stretched. I didn't have energy left. Maybe I would be the first werewolf to die of starvation. Grunting. Tearing. Soiling. One after the other. Nothing but my screams.

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