26: You've got a story!

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Severus sighed as he brewed a healing potion for the grouchy Amy

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Severus sighed as he brewed a healing potion for the grouchy Amy. The girl had indeed caught a fever like he had predicted after their day out in the rain. He placed the potion in front of her. "What's that?" She asked.

"A potion to cure your fever."

"It's a medicine?" He nodded "No!! Medicines are bitter." She whined clearly not having it.

"Amy, stop with the whining. You must drink it to feel better" Severus sternly said, yet still not as harsh as he is with his students.

Amy pouted, giving him puppy eyes hoping that she could get out of it, but Severus was not buying it. "It works everytime but not now. Come on now. It'll be over in a second" he tried to convince but she just sat there looking at it.

"Amy, if you don't drink it you can't play out in the rain anymore" Severus threatened, to which Amy had immediately grabbed the cup from the table. Pinched her nose as she swiftly chugged the concoction, trying her hardest not to taste it.

Once she had finished, she breathed a
fresh breath of air, only to realize that
the bitter taste still lingered in her mouth.

"See? wasn't so bad was it?" Severus said as he took the cup away from the girl who was glaring at him. "I hate you."

Suddenly,a knock on the door was heard. Severus scowled as he opened the door, revealing two redheaded twins.

"FRED AND GEORGE!!" Amy yelled

"What are you two doing here?"
Severus asked, clearly not pleased with presence of the two ginger clowns.

"We are looking after Amy while you are gone." Fred answered.

"And where Am I going?" Severus questioned.

"Oh yes, Jo and Headmaster wants you to meet them in his office." George said.

He nodded "Don't pull pranks or any mischief and stay away from my office." He warned and walked towards Headmaster's office.

Severus entered the Headmaster's office to see him sitting on his chair and Josette in front of him. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes Severus, please have a sit." He sat down beside Josette.

"Sev." Josette started "Amy's father is dead."

"What!!" He was shocked to hear that, yesterday he told Amy they are going to find her father and now this.

"He's here." Josette said.

"Hello." Kyle greeted, still not knowing how the other side works.

"Thay can't hear you." Josette told him.


"So Kyle, why did the death eaters attacked you?" Dumbledore asked.

"I work in the Improper Use of Magic Office. One day I was looking through some magical objects and I came across that cup. But it was filled with dark magic. So, I reported it to my boss and he just said it must be something useless and dismissed it. But I wanted to learn about it so I kept it." Kyle said and Josette repeated it explaining to them.

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