50: Not a word to anyone.

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"You don't know??"

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"You don't know??"

"I don't know." Josette repeated.

"That was your house." Moody reminded her.

"I'm aware of that."

"Then how you don't know if your mother's room has anything dangerous or weapons Voldemort could use now that he is living there."

The next day Severus gathered everyone for an urgent meeting, Dumbledore and McGonagall couldn't make it as they were busy but everyone else came. And James is hiding in the room above them so he can listen to everything that is going downstairs.

Severus told them how Peter found where Harry spent the summer and that Voldemort has moved into Semrian forest. They are suspecting that he is looking for something in there as he has a history with Hela and Josette which they are unaware of, something that could be dangerous for others. When Josette left the house she took every essential things with her but she never visited the third floor and she has no idea what it holds.

"Because it was out of bounds." Josette said

"Even after she left??" Sirius asked.

"Let me ask you this, you have been staying here for so long, have you opened the door to your parents room or Reg's for that matter?? You haven't even been into your old room." Josette looked at him "Why??"

There was a long silence and then he said "I can't... I don't want to."

"Same reason here." She said.

"Well, we still have to go and look around??" Tonks said "What if there really is some kind of weapon??"

"I too don't think that him choosing your house as his headquarters is just a coincidence. There must be a reason." Remus added.

"I think I know what it is." Josette mumbled "He knows Severus will tell us about this and we will want to check the house. He wants me to go there." She said confidently, knowing her enemy very well.


"Remember how I told you seeing some things triggers my memories. That didn't happen before because I wasn't aware of it but now he wants me to take a look around the house, he wants me to remember something. And if he wants to show it, that shit is going to be horrible." Josette said and everyone were looking at her intriguedly. She knows her enemy just like she knows her lover. It's an oddly terrifying relation.

"And you don't want to know??"

"Honestly I do but not at the moment, no."

"So now what?? We just wait until he makes his next move??" Kingsley asked.

"What other option do we have?" Severus sighed.


"Hey." James came out of his room once everyone had left but Severus was still there, he and Josette are supposed to be on Hogsmeade watch this evening and he's waiting for her in the living room. "Thank you for yesterday."

Mortis. Sirius Black |Harry Potter Era|Where stories live. Discover now