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23 August 1993: Azkaban

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23 August 1993: Azkaban.

It had been 12 years. Sirius Black sat in his Azkaban cell feeling terribly bored. He leaned back and stared at the cell door ahead. Suddenly, he stiffened. A voice could be heard down the corridor. Not screaming inmates, but a man "…mad, the lot of them. All darting eyes and mumbling nonsense. Awful place."

Black robes came into view. There he was, the Minister of Magic himself. "Hello there." Cornelius Fudge stood before him.

For a brief moment, Sirius felt annoyed. Then he decided to be civil. "How do you do, Minister?" Sirius felt a rush of amusement as Fudge took on perhaps the most gobsmacked face he had ever seen.

"Ooh! A sentence!" the Minister then looked horrified at himself. "I'm so terribly sorry, I just didn't expect-"

"Anyone here to be able to form coherent sentences." He smiled.

"Unfortunately, yes, that is what I've come to expect. Sad place, this." The Minister then added "You don't seem too affected by them" he said with a hint of suspicion in his voice.

Sirius shrugged "You here for your yearly visit??" He asked.

"I have to if I wish to keep my chair."

"Spoken like a true politician." Sirius chuckled and then looked at the Minister with tearful eyes "They found her??" He asked hoping for a satisfying answer.

"No. She's dead, it's been so long." Minister answered.

"You didn't found a body." Sirius mumbled and then noticed a newspaper poking out of the Minister's robe pocket. "You done with that paper?" he asked. It had been so long since he had known what was happening in the outside world. Fudge nodded and handed it to Sirius. His bony hands grasped the paper excitedly.

"Thank you for your time, I really must be off now." Fudge said awkwardly.

Sirius nodded absently. He read slowly, trying to savor the paper as much as possible. Every little bit of news seemed exciting compared to the hellhole he lived in. Sirius stared at the photo of the waving, smiling family. He remembered the Weasleys but their kids really had grown so much. He felt a small prick of jealousy at how happy they were.

Then His eyes bugged out, and he couldn't breathe. He saw a boy holding onto his pet rat. He knew that rat. He had spent many full moons out at night with that rat. That fat, ugly rat was none other than Peter Pettigrew. Sirius drew in a long, shaky breath. He will pay for what he did to Lily and James. Not a day had gone by where he didn't miss them. He will avenge them, and do what he had been falsely imprisoned 12 years for.

The next week he spent thinking up dementor's weaknesses and escape plans. Sirius soon found this newfound obsession cleared his head. It was like someone had lit a fire in his head. The fire wasn't happy, but it gave him strength, and the bloody dementors couldn't suck that out of him. Peter had been living in Animagus form. Maybe he could use his Animagus form to his advantage! As a dog, he would be thinner and faster. Animal emotions also aren't as complex as human emotions, so the dementors would merely think he's going mad, therefore they will underestimate him and not expect an escape. Dementors are blind, so they only sense emotions. If Sirius was to somehow escape as a dog, that would work!

He grinned. He decided that when they fed him, he could slip out the crack in the door, run like he has never before and swim to the mainland. It was crazy and dangerous but that is all he has.

He could sense the dementor a few cells down. He immediately transformed, then waited. He tried not to think about what would happen if he was caught.

About a minute later, his door opened around 6 inches. He lunged forward, hurtling through the tiny crack. He barely heard the confused shouts of fellow inmates. The cold presence turned to towards him, but he was long gone. He barreled towards the water. Sirius jumped in and swam fast as he could, ecstatic and shocked at his success. He began thinking gleefully of all he could do with his new freedom. He could see his godson, he knows Josette isn't dead and now he can find her, he will find her and rid the world of a rat.

After a long time, he arrived at the mainland. He transformed back into human form, utterly exhausted. He surveyed the lush green grass and hills ahead with a small smile. Then, for the first time since he had been arrested those 12 years ago, Sirius let out his signature barking laugh.


1 September: New York Sanctum.

"I still can't believe, Stephen Strange-"

"Doctor" He interrupted her with a proud smirk on his face

Josette rolled her eyes "Dr. Stephen Strange, the master of New York Sanctum."

"I learn quickly."

"You sure do." Josette smiled and gave him a big hug "Congratulations. But I still have him." She swayed her head and the cloack of levitation proudly straightened his colar.

Stephen smiled "He loves you more than me." He shrugged.

"So how's it going with Christine??"

"We're fine. We have a date tonight." The two got back together last year. Christine took a long, long time to forgive him but she did. And they became friends again and now they are dating.

"Jo!! Jo!!" James came running up the stairs. Josette didn't knew he was back. After Voldemort tried to kill Harry in his first year and a basilisk almost killed him in his second year. She was not sure if he will ever leave his side. After everything that happened, Josette wanted to go back so badly and surprisingly this time it wasn't Elijah who stopped her but James. 'You have came too far, I don't want you to ruin it.' He said.

"James! What are you doing here??" Josette grinned happily but he didn't really looked pleased.

"It's Sirius. He escaped Azkaban. He's free. You have to go find him." James said.

Josette didn't knew how to react to this, she just stood still trying to process everything.

"You should go." Stephen said. No one noticed when he a got into his Astral form. But he heard everything.

"I want to. But what about our promise??" She asked.

"So you are done. Are you planning on going back to Dr. Stephen Strange??" Josette asked.

He looked at his hands "I wanted to."

"What changed??"

"Me." He mumbled "I want to stay. If you are."

"I'm not going anywhere I promise." Josette gave him a warm smile.

"Together forever??"

"Together forever."

"What are you marrying him??" James shouted.

"For the last time prongs. We are not dating. I'm still engaged to your best friend." Josette held up her hand showing him the ring.

"I'll be fine. Besides, he needs you now." Stephen said.

"Thank you." She smiled "I love you." And then she turned towards James "as a friend." She made it very clear.

Stephen chuckled "Love you too." then added "So, you ready to go home??

"I think so." She said with a huge smile on her face.

Mortis. Sirius Black |Harry Potter Era|Where stories live. Discover now