48: From the beginning.

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Harry sighed and took a seat at the Gryffindor table for lunch

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Harry sighed and took a seat at the Gryffindor table for lunch. It's been a week since he returned back to Hogwarts and he's already hating it. The first day of the classes and he spent the night in detention with Umbridge, writing lines and scaring his hand. He didn't tell anyone about it not even Ron and Hermione.

He doesn't know what is going back at the headquarters and if they found Josette or not. He really hopes they did. Here at Hogwarts everyone has labeled him as a liar, they are believing their 'favourite professor' instead of him and it's not helping with the anger issues, he's been facing recently. He's keeping his distance from everyone, even Ron and Hermione, they barely talk.

"Morning." Hermione joined him along with Ron.

Harry mumbled 'good morning' and continued eating his breakfast.

"Hii guys." Neville joined them with a huge grin on his face.

"You look happy." Hermione smiled.

"I had to visit St. Mungo's last night." He said.

"Is everything alright??"

"It was about my mother, she was having some complications I don't know... but it was serious and the healers wanted me and Grandma to be there." Neville explained.

"Oh Jesus, what happened??"

"She pulled through, she's okay now and the best thing is, she called me by my name, she recognized me." he grinned widely.

"That's fantastic!!" Hermione clapped.

"What about your father??" Harry asked.

"He smiled when he saw grandma, that means he's regaining his memories. Though there's a less chance that they will be fully recovered, but they could." Neville was so happy today, he couldn't suppress his smile. This is the first time he heard his name being called by his mother, it's a huge thing.

Now you'll be thinking how Alice recognized Neville, he was only one year old when she last saw him with the right mind. But Neville and Augusta have been visiting them since then, Frank and Alice can listen what they are saying, they remember their faces but they are too damaged to say anything. But it looks like they are getting better, maybe one day they will talk.

Just then the owls started coming, Harry looked at the ceiling seeing the brids fly through the room. But one owl caught his eye. "That's Josette's owl!!" Harry pointed at the black owl, which seemed like was coming towards him. But it turned towards the Slytherin table in front of Draco.

"Malfoy?? Why is sending letters to Malfoy??" Harry hissed angrily.

He saw as Draco removed a letter from the birds paw and gave him some treats. The bird then came towards him and sat in front of Harry. He noticed another letter in the birds paw, he removed it and the owl flew away. His anger on Draco subsided and he quickly opened the letter.

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