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As the third task was going on Siriusand James were left alone in the house with nothing to do but worry about Harry all the time

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As the third task was going on Sirius
and James were left alone in the house with nothing to do but worry about Harry all the time. It's the third task, it's most dangerous of all and knowing Harry's reputation, he has a thing for attracting danger. Remus had gone to see the task but they were not allowed to.

"The task must be over by now why didn't Remus returned yet??" James groaned "He promised he will return as soon as the task is finish to tell us."

Sirius sighed. "I have no idea."

"Should we go and check??" James asked.

"Do you want to get killed?? Again?? This time by your sister's hands??" Sirius asked as he stood up from the couch. James rolled his eyes and started pacing around the room.

"I should make us some breakfast- or lunch? Dinner?" Sirius questioned. "I have no clue what time or day it is anymore."

What was supposed to be a sarcastic
slightly funny comment came out
strained and sorrowful.

"Honestly, I'm not in the mood to eat right now." James mumbled chewing on his nails nervously.

"And what are you doing now??" Sirius chuckled slightly and left the room to get some drinks for them.

Remus Lupin is a man who always had a plan and a tactful way with words, it helped him escape trouble on numerous occasions. However, as he stood outside his friend's house in the middle of the night he was at loss. He had no plan how to share the news, he himself did not have time to process.

After Barty Crouch Junior was handed back to Azkaban and immediately received the dementor's kiss, leaving him in a fate worse than death, then Harry was taken to the infirmary and Remus got home to tell his friends about everything.

Remus felt a growing fear building inside of him clawing its way to the surface. With a deep breath and a short burst of courage he turned the key and entered the house.

"Thank Merlin! You are back." James's face lit up after seeing him "How was it?? Did Harry win?? Is he alright??"

"Prongs.." Remus swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Please tell me Harry's fine." Sirius added knowing the look of his face very well.

"Harry's fine but...the tournament was a trap. The cup was a portkey, it lead him to You-know-who. Josette was already there and she brought You-know-who back to life. He's back."

"Why would Josette do that??" Sirius asked.

"She was forced to."

"Is she okay??" Remus didn't answer "Remus. Is. She. Okay??" Sirius repeated.

"She's not back yet. You-know-who has her."

Sirius blood ran cold. "No, no, no. We have to find her then." Just at the beginning of the year they talked about Voldemort not being dead and now he's really alive and he has her.

Mortis. Sirius Black |Harry Potter Era|Where stories live. Discover now