33: Moral fibre.

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Today's the day Josette despises the most

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Today's the day Josette despises the most. Today, 11th of January, is her birthday. She hates this day so much that she hasn't got out of bed yet and it's 2'o clock in the afternoon.

She woke up at 9 but is still laid down on her bed, staring at the ceiling for last 5 hours. She forcefully dragged herself out of bed and washed her face and slipped into clean clothes.


Josette was startled by a sudden noise. "Anastasia." She glared at the ghost of the woman in front of her. "I almost thought you forgot today's date."

"I would never." The ghost spoke spitefully.

"Okay, you did your job, you reminded me of my sins. You can go now." Josette glared at her angrily.

"Happy Death Day. See you next year." Anastasia smirked and walked out of the room through the wall.

Josette picked up a book and threw at the wall she just went through. "Fucking little shit." She cursed and came into her classroom.

Today's Tuesday, second years were having dulling but Josette gave them an extra holiday. She sat on her desk and started reading a book.

Harry knew from Sirius that today is Josette's birthday and he also told him that she hates to celebrate it. Odd he thought. But he wanted to do something for her since she did so much for him.

He made his ways towards her classroom with a small box wrapped in red and silver paper. He knocked on the door and entered when he heard a muffled 'come in'.

"Harry, good morning." Josette greeted with a smile.

"It's afternoon, Jo." He chuckled. "And Happy Birthday." He said with a big smile.

"How??-" she asked with confusion.

"Sirius told me." He answered and sat down on the chair. He placed the gift on the desk in front of her.

"I don't-" she started but Harry cut her off

"I know you don't like your birthday but it's from me and you have to take it."


"Consider this as a thank you gift and not a birthday gift." He again interrupted her.

"Thank you, for what?" She chuckled and picked up the box.

"Let me think, for showing me my parents on Christmas last year, introducing me to my grandparents, for taking me away from the Dursleys, giving me a family, taking care of me, bringing my dead father back to life, for-"

"Okay you made your point. You talk to much." She interruped him.

"I'm James Potter's son." He said proudly.

"That you are." She chuckled and opened the gift. Inside was a green and gold bracelet with three little charms dangling at the end. It was a small wolf, a dog and a stag and fawn together.

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