5: But they did.

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Once outside the Hogwarts gate, Josette opened a portal of golden sparks with her hands

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Once outside the Hogwarts gate, Josette opened a portal of golden sparks with her hands.

"What is this ? How did you do it?" Harry asked astonished with the new type of magic.

"This Harry-" she replied pointing towards the portal "-is the safest way to travel, now get in."

They both walked through the portal and arrived at a beach. Their first home, Lysing Hail. The town was still there but two neighboring houses remained abandoned, left in the dark. The walked through the beach towards their home.

"Where are we going, Professor??" Harry asked, following her.

"Okay, you need to stop calling me that. It sounds weird." Josette shuddered at him calling her 'professor'.

"You're my professor." He said.

"But I'm your aunt first." She argued.

"Aunt??" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Here we are." Josette announced as they reached the house.

"Whose house is this??" Harry asked forgetting about the whole 'anut' scene.

"This is your house or at least it was." She mumbled "And next door's mine."

"I used to live here??" He asked "I thought it was Godric's Hollow."

"That's where it ended, this is the start." She opened the door. It was pitch black inside the house and it was completely ruined. Cobwebs and broken windows and torn wallpaper. Josette casted the mending charm and everything started to move backwards, going to it's place before it was broken.

Harry looked around the room astonished. Everything went back to the way it was before and the lights came back. "I really don't know a thing about my past or their's." Harry mumbled sadly.

"Don't worry. I'm here for you now and I'm going to tell you every little detail of their life, it maybe sad or happy or embarrassing and James has a lot of them." Both chuckled "You'll know them like they never left you."

"But they did." He added "Sometimes I feel like it's my fault. They gave their life to save me. If I was just dead-"

"Harry!!" Josette yelled and walked towards him "Don't ever say that again. It's not your fault. It's just fate and you can't change it, believe me I tried."

She pulled him into a hug and it felt amazing. Last she held him in her arms was when he was just a toddler and now he has grown so much. She just wants to stay like this and never let go of him.

The only motherly hugs Harry ever received were from Molly and this was just like it but it felt more fimiliar. It was weird for him but he knew he could trust this women he just met months ago and tell her everything.

"So, where do you want to start??" She smiled and they sat on the couch. She conjured up a bottle of firewhisky and two glasses.

"I'm underage." Harry reminded.

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