20: This is sick!!

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"Harry wake up!" Josette yelled shaking him

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"Harry wake up!" Josette yelled shaking him. He woke up with a start looking up at her. He looked around and saw an empty tent.

"Harry, Hermione and Ron are outside with everyone else. We have to go." Josette put on a coat and handed him his. He put on his coat and followed her outside. They joined the others and looked towards the sky with them. The sight they saw horrified them.

Up in the sky, muggles were being controlled into disgusting shapes by masked wizards. Two of the figured looked like children. More people laughed and joined the group of masked wizards. More tents were destroyed and two more muggle children floated to the sky with the others.

"This is sick." Ron gasped. "This is really sick."

"We are going to help the Ministry. You lot, get in the woods and stick together I will come and fetch you when this is all sorted out." Mr. Weasley ordered.

"Harry, be safe." Josette whispered and the adults sprinted away.

They met about twenty death eaters by the tortured muggles in the air. The dark Mark now hung above them. They went to work dismembering them. Bill and Mr. Weasley disappeared in the them. Josette and Charlie stayed behind. Attacking the dark wirzards. Charlie throwing curses at them. And they returning it. Soon it changed into a dueling battle. Josette would have used the magic but she's afraid to do it. After those earthquakes at Kamar Taj and sudden waves of magic going out from her, she's afraid she'll hurt her loved ones so, she stopped using it like before.

And she used her wand to attack the death eaters. In the past she rarely used her wand and now it was difficult for her to control it. After about twenty minutes, the death eaters all scattered and were taken care of.

"I always wanted to fight beside you." said Charlie in a miffed tone.

Josette turned towards him. "You did good."

"Thanks." He smiled still panting for air.
All the wizards and witches gathered by the muggles and started to get them down. The minister walked upto them "Everyone, go search the woods for the person who casted the mark." He ordered. His directions were followed. Josette also left in search for Harry, hoping he is safe. She found Ginny and others but Harry, Ron and Hermione were not there.

She ran towards the tent to search for them. Then she found him unconscious in the middle of the ruins. She ran upto him, kneeling beside him and started to shake him awake. He opened his eyes and looked at her. "What happened?" He asked.

"I told you to be safe with others." Josette scolded.

"I got separated from them and then hit myself on the head. Sorry." He apologized rubbing his forehead.

"Come on let's go." She pulled him up. Then someone casted a spell in the sky a skull with snake coming out of its mouth forms out in green smoke like an aurora but scarier, the Dark Mark.

Mortis. Sirius Black |Harry Potter Era|Where stories live. Discover now