53: You have a death wish, Potter?

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"Mom, dad

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"Mom, dad. I'm back." Neville Longbottom announced to his parents with a false cheer as held a bouquet of daisies, Alice's favorite flower, in his hands.

Alice's face lit up not by seeing her son but the beautiful flowers. Neville held out the bouquet and she unsurely took it from his hand, afraid that the boy in front of her might do something if she tried to take it. She smelled at the flowers and started playing with it's petals.

Frank seeing them reached out to touch it but Alice slapped her hand away "Mine!" She shrieked.

It looked like Frank would cry any second but Neville stepped in "Don't worry dad. I brought you these." He held out a box of chocolates from his bag and the father happily took it.

Neville sat down on the chair between their beds and kept looking at his parents smile.

Over the years Neville came to visit them very often and each visit he brought something for them. The nurses gave the boy pitiful glance. Alice and Frank Longbottom been in this state of mind over fifteen years. One glance at them and many people would've given up on them but not Neville. No. He still have hope and faith that he will have his parents back to him one day.

After the miracle two months ago when Alice showed a slight recognition of her son. He was sure one day they will be perfectly fine and as they stayed together at the Hospital, they will be together at their home, in the living room, talking and laughing and sharing memories over a cup of tea.

"You know, mum. I learned to cast 'Expelliarmus.' It took me some time, you know, I'm not as good as you..." He shyly rubbed the back of his head. Alice in return just looked up at him hearing a voice and again turned back to her flowers. But there was a voice in her head telling her say something, say how proud she is. But her mind blocked that voice out.

Neville turned to his father. "I'm not supposed to talk about this but..." he looked around to see if anyone was near them that they could listen. Seeing the coast clear, Neville continued "Harry told me about the order of the Phoenix. I know you were a part of it. We formed a Army as well... the Order of the Phoenix is our inspiration...you are our inspiration." His voice hitched as he tried very hard not to cry. "-I'll make you proud, Dad.. and Mum. I'll try my best." He held both of their hands and the tears eventually fell.

Thier moment was ruined as the door opened. Neville quickly stood up and wiped off his tears. Josette stood in the doorway, she often came here to visit her friend and change meds, you know, with hers which are much better. And as she was in the hospital today, she decided pay her friend a visit but she didn't knew Neville was going to be here.

"Oh..um..I didn't realize you were going to be here...I'll..I'll just come back later. Sorry" Josette spoke awkwardly.

Before Neville could say anything his mother spoke rather cheerfully "Ri! Ri!" She carefully got down from her bed towards her friend and pulled her into the room.

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