21: What about the cup?

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The night before they left for platform 9 3/4, Ron and Molly got in another argument

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The night before they left for platform 9 3/4, Ron and Molly got in another argument. Ron hated his dress robes. "Fine!" Mrs. Weasley snapped. "Go naked. And Harry, get a picture of him. Goodness knows I could do with a laugh." She left and ended the conversation.

The next morning Mr. Weasley got an urgent message from the Ministry. Apparently our new DADA teacher got into some trouble. Which did not surprise Josette, considering his name was Mad-Eye Moody. She was excited to meet him again.

There were tearful goodbyes by between the Weasleys at the platform. Ginny hugged Charlie tightly. "I might see you sooner than you think." He winked at Ginny.

"Why?" Fred asked.

"Classified." Charlie grinned with a smug playfulness that ran in the Weasley family.

"I sort of wish I was back at Hogwarts this year." Bill said wistfully.

"Why?" George asked impatiently.

"I may come and watch a bit of it," was his reply.

"A bit of what?" Ron demanded as heard the train whistle blow.

"You will know when you get to Hogwarts." Josette said "Bye Harry I'll meet you there." He nodded. "Thank you for having us Mrs. Weasley." he said and boarded the train.

Josette apparated to Hogsmeade and walked towards Hogwarts instead of taking a carriage. As soon as she reached inside, she went to see how her friend is doing before going to her own room.

The door of his classroom was open so she directly walked in. But froze as soon as she saw the scene in front of her. Severus Snape walking around the classroom with a nearly five year old girl his his arms. It looked like he was trying to get her to sleep.

"WHAT THE FUCK !!" Josette shouted making him jump and the girl cry.

"Great. Now she started crying again." He groaned trying to make the girl stop crying.

"Severus, who is she? And what is she doing here? Don't tell me that's your daughter. Who's her mother? Why didn't you tell-"

"Just shut up. She's not my daughter." He hissed and went into his private chambers. Josette just stood there waiting for him. After some time he came back alone.

"What the hell!! Who is she?" Josette grabbed his arm, pulling him to the couch beside her.

"I don't know. She just showed up at my doorstep last night. And whenever I asked her who is she or why she's here. She starts crying. I hate children." He made a disgusted face. "I was getting late to come here and didn't know what to do with her so I brought her with me." He sighed relaxing onto the couch.

"Have you told Dumbledore?" He shook his head. "Then let's go tell him, he will know what to do."

"She just fell asleep. Let her wake up first then we will go." He said and closed his eyes. She hummed in response.

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