46: Cleared of all charges!!

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"Excuse me, Mr

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"Excuse me, Mr. Dumbledore." A toad-faced looking woman interrupted the Headmaster's speech. "I'm sure I must have misunderstood you. Dementors are, after all, under the control of the Ministry of Magic. It's so silly of me, but it sounded for a moment as though...you were suggesting that the Ministry had ordered the attack on this boy."

"Madam Umbridge, that is... exactly what I'm saying." The Headmaster of Hogwarts clarified, causing an uproar of objections through the entire room.

Harry had to fight back a huge smirk as he loved how the tables had turned now thanks to Dumbledore. He saw Umbridge blinking her eyes a couple of times with her mouth wide open, baffled at the Headmaster's words.

"Order! ORDER!" The minister shouted while slamming his gavel a few times before everyone calmed down and allowed the hearing to continue.

"How dare you, Dumbledore! Accusing the Ministry of such treachery!" Fudge sternly said, holding back his anger. "Do you have any proof that someone here in the Ministry is responsible for sending dementors to attack this boy?"

"Sadly, I don't, dear Minister." Dumbledore bit his bottom lip, seeing the Minister already smirk at him. "But I do have a good reason to blame the Ministry for this."

"Would you care to explain why?" The Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement asked.

"Certainly, Madam Bones," Dumbledore replied calmly. He placed his hands behind his back and slowly started walking around the courtroom. "As we all know, the Ministry is in control of the Dementors who are currently guarding Azkaban after the downfall of the Dark Lord back in 1981. The Dark-Lord back then had the Dementors on his side during the First Wizarding War. So, normally I would've said that Lord Voldermort could've been behind this attack as Mr. Potter told us about his return at the end of the Tri-wizard tournament."

Nearly everyone in the courtroom started to flinch when they heard the Dark Lord's name. The Minister, on the other hand, was boiling with rage.

"But he... is... Not... Back!" Fudge shakingly said with his head.

"Indeed, Minister you've let the Daily prophet publish your article about it multiple times over the summer along with Mr. Potter that he's lying and that I am an old hag." Dumbledore said innocently. He heard a few witches and wizards snickering after his statement of the century.

Umbridge was getting impatient with this old man and stood up from her seat. "Mr. Dumbledore, if you do not have any good reason to tell us why you accuse us then I suggest you leave the courtroom. You're wasting my valuable time and that of our Minister." Fudge glanced at her and gave her a friendly smile which she returned before she sat back down.

"Don't worry Madam Umbridge, I'll keep it brief form here on out," Dumbledore replied sincerely as he stroked his long, white beard. "Now, where was I? Ah, yes! Minister, you've clearly pointed out that the Dark Lord hasn't returned and that Mr. Potter and I are lying to the entire world. As your Undersecretary mentioned earlier that Dementors are under the Ministry's control then it's pretty clear to me that your Ministry is to blame for the attack on the boy, since you couldn't keep your dementors in check." He pointed firmly at Fudge, who looked dumbfounded.

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