18: What about us?

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"Don't freak out but I did something

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"Don't freak out but I did something." Josette said to Elijah. He came to visit her after 2 weeks. In these two weeks they spent most of the time inside the house, playing games and reminiscing their time together. James, Sirius and Harry would sometimes ride on broom around the forest, playing with practice Snitch or racing. Remus got a new job at muggle Cafe, he would leave at 8 o'clock in the morning and return at 5 o'clock in the evening.

James walked into the room where Josette and Elijah were sitting. "I know what you did, Mom told me. And I was mad at you before but not now. What you did was for Harry and he's happy now." He said and Josette quickly hugged him.

"But you two." He turned to Sirius and Remus "I told you to look after her not to send her on a suicide mission."

"I.. um she doesn't listen to anyone." Sirius stammered.
"Yeah, and she left without telling us and threatened us not to tell you." Remus added.

"I expected that much." Elijah said looking down at her who was grining nervously.


Josette, Sirius and Remus walked out of the house. They are going to play quidditch. James and Harry were team captains, already ready outside waiting for them.

"As your father, I give you the chance to pick." James said proudly. Harry was looking confused between Josette and Sirius, who to pick? As they don't have a whole team, there is only going to be one set of goals and Remus is the keeper. In a team, only chasers are going to be there. No beater. No seeker.

"Jo." Harry said and Josette walked towards him.

"Let's kick their ass." She gave him high-five.

"Yeah, we will see who kicks whose ass." Sirius mocked joining his friend.

"Language!!" Lily shouted and Josette rolled her eyes.

Remus released the quaffle high in the air and quickly went to his position by the rings. The others zoomed past it to catch the quaffle and James caught it. Josette quickly going behind him and Sirius behind her. Both pushing each other to go ahead. James threw the quaffle towards the hoop but Remus easily stopped it and threw it away from the hoops. The quaffle came into Harry's possession who started racing towards the hoops and Sirius going behind him.

"You have lost your touch." Josette mocked James after he was unsuccessful at scoring.

"It happens when you are dead for 12 years." He replied sarcastically.

As they were busy talking Harry scored. He and Josette cheered. "You can talk later. Focus on the game." Sirius scolded James. Harry and Josette started laughing.

After few hours, they were all tried besides James and Harry. James was just excited to ride the broom and Harry's young he is used to play that much. Harry's team had 170 points and James's 140 points. Sirius Remus and Josette walked back inside the house but James and Harry were still playing with the snitch.

"Well, who kicked whose ass." Josette said as she walked out of the shower, getting rid of all the sweat and Sirius was sitting on the bed in their room. "Because we are not in touch that's it. I'll show you who wins next time." He rolled his eyes. "But you know, what I haven't lost my touch in." He smirked.

"And what is that?" She said standing in front of him while drying her wet hair.

"This." He said and pulled her into the bed and kissing her hard. She immediately kissed him back. He started kissing down her neck, leaving love marks. She bit her bottom lip to suppress her moans. His hands trail up her thighs. He griped it tightly and begin stroking her skin slowly. He gripped her towel and let it fall down.


"So, have I lost my touch?" He smirked looking at her panting for air as she laid her head on his chest, white sheets covering there naked bodies.

"I little bit." She replied teasing him.

"Then we'll have to practice more." He smirked as played gently with her grey hair. He looked at the girl in his arms and saw her distress "What are you thinking?"

"About us." She mumbled quietly not looking at him.

"What about us?"

"Do you think it will ever go back to normal?? You're not a murderer but you're still stuck in this house." He stayed silent not knowing what to say. "What about us? We are engaged for past 12 years. Do you think we'll get to get married?"

"Do you still love me?" He asked

"Of course I do. Is that even a question." She looked up at him.

"Then we will marry each other, soon, I promise you." He kissed her forehead.

"Well, in those past years I did some stupid things." She mumbled not meeting his eyes "I thought I'll never see you again I was trying forget you and-"

"No. You don't have to tell me about that. I was honestly surprised that ever came for me. I thought if you were alive you would've moved on with someone else. But you are still here and I'm glad for it." Sirius kissed her forehead.

"I love you so much Sirius Black." She smiled warmly.

"I love you too, doll."

"God!! I missed that." She sighed and snuggled closer to him.

"I didn't pass on his soul to other side." She suddenly said "Tom is still alive you know that, right?" She whispered quietly and he nodded.

"He can't do anything to us. We are family we protect each other." He pulled her closer to him, her back touching his front and looked outside the window where James and Harry were playing with the snitch and heard Remus shouting behind them to call them for dinner.

"We are."


"I want to come too!!" James whined
"Yeah, me too." Sirius added.

The summer break was almost over and Josette and Harry were going to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys. "You can't come. You're dead and you're a fugitive. And now that we are leaving don't go outside, please. It's for your own safety." Josette said.

"Yeah dad, I'll write to you. Don't go outside. Love you." Harry hugged him and James kissed his forehead.

"Fine. Love you too. Take care. Don't go behind trouble this year." Harry nodded and laughed nervously.

"Have a great year." Sirius kissed Josette

"I love you so much." He grinned.

"I love you too Sirius. Bye" she whispered.

Harry took his trunk and both apparated to the burrow. Josette knocked on the front door and Mr. Weasley opened it. "Aha ha Josette, it's been so long." He said giving her a quick hug and let them in.

"Oh finally you are here." Mrs. Weasley said entering the room. "Harry." She pulled him into a hug "Ron is in his room, you know where it is." She pointed at the stairs he nodded and walked upstairs. Mrs. Weasley turned to Josette. "Its been a long time." And gave her a big hug.

Josette helped her prepare for the dinner and catching up on things. The dinner went well, Arthur cracking jokes, Molly telling about young days of their children, George and Fred using magic for minor pranks, Josette talking with Hermione and Ginny. Giving tips for their upcoming year and how to get the boys trailing behind them. After dinner everyone goes in their separate rooms for a good nights sleep.

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