16: There's always a loophole.

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"Did something happen to dad?" Harry asked as James was not answering them

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"Did something happen to dad?" Harry asked as James was not answering them.

"We need to find Jo. She will know what is going on. Let's go." Sirius said walking towards the door.

"Pads, you stay inside. Harry and I'll go." Remus said.

"No. She may be in danger, I need to see her." Sirius pleaded.

"He's right. What if someone sees you. We both will go and find her. You stay inside, please." Harry said.

Even though Sirius didn't wanted to stay behind he agreed and Remus and Harry went into the forest in search of Josette.

The large veins of roots spread across the muddy floor. They walked through the forest the grass crispy under their feet. The sun had gone down and it was complete darkness. Remus light up his wand, narrowing his eyes to see in the darkness. Calling her name out, it was ringing through the forest.

"I FOUND HER." He heard Harry shout. Remus quickly made his way towards the voice, Josette lying beside a rock, unconscious. He crouched down next to her. "Merlin!! Jo, wake up." He started shaking her but she didn't. He picked her up in bridal style walking back towards the house. Harry following behind.

"Godric!! Remus what happened to her?" Sirius exclaimed as he saw him bring Josette into the living room and placed her on the couch.

"I don't know, we just found her like this." Remus said running a hand through his hair.

"What should we do?" Harry asked.

"We wait until she wakes up. I will send an owl to Elijah. " Remus said.

"Do you think Heimdall could help us?" Sirius asked.

"Whose that?" Harry asked.

"Josette haven't talked to him in a while. I don't think he knows anything." Remus said ignoring Harry's question.

Josette woke up with a start. "LILY!!" she shouted. Sirius and Harry were siting beside her, immediately stood up to calm her down. "Sirius." She breathed "Li Lily.. where's Lily?"

"Jo, you need to calm down. Tell us what happened?" Sirius said.

"We.. we were walking an..and then the earth... earthquake started and Li..Lily just disappeared" Josette explained. "And my head started to hurt and then I fainted."

Sirius hugged her and whispered in her ear.
"Something happened here too. We could here James, he was shouting because of the earthquake. But we didn't fell anything."

Mortis. Sirius Black |Harry Potter Era|Where stories live. Discover now