36: You can't escape now!

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The Dark Lord is back

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The Dark Lord is back. What have I done!! Josette sighed shamefully. I brought the killer of my friends back to life.

Voldemort then walked towards Pettigrew, he let out a quiet, almost grotesque laughter. "My wand, wormtail." He said in a deadly whisper.

Pettigrew reached into one of his coat pockets and pulled out a white wand with a clawed handle on the other end. Voldemort reached out and took the wand, slowly and carefully. He looked upon his servant once more "Hold out your arm."

"Master." Wormtail said in a hoarse and raspy voice "Thank you." He raised the arm with no hand on it, causing Voldemort to give him a glare that could probably kill somebody.

"Your other arm, Wormtail!" He snapped. Pettigrew looked shocked for a second, but he held up his left arm. Voldemort pressed the tip of his wand against Wormtail's forearm. The death eater mark started moving and thunder clapped from above and there was a noise like a strangled cry, before a skull appeared among the clouds, a huge snake protruding from its mouth.

Josette was struggling against Avery's grasp, looking shameful because of what she did. Cedric stood in his place, not knowing what to do. The cup was close to him but he wouldn't take it, not without his friends. That's the Hufflepuff in him, loyal.
Harry was silenced due to absolute shock as black shapes came hurtling down from the sky, landing in a circle.

"Welcome, my friends. Thirteen years it's been...and yet, here you stand before me, as though it were only yesterday." Voldemort said, looking around at all of his followers. "I confess myself...disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me: Crabbe! Macnair! Goyle!" He ripped the masks off of the Death Eaters, who fell to the ground. "Not even you....Lucius." he snarled as he removed the mask from his face, causing him to fall to his knees.

"My Lord, had I detected any sign, a whisper of your whereabouts-" Lucius started, but he was cut off by Voldemort, who looked murderous.

"There were signs, my slippery friend. And more than whispers." Voldemort growled menacingly.

"I assure you, My Lord. I had never renounced the old ways. The face that I have been obliged to present each day since your absence...that is my true mask." Lucius replied, throwing down his hood and standing up. He glanced at Josette for a second before turning back to his dark lord.

"I returned." Pettigrew piped up, raising his good hand. Voldemort then advanced on him, causing the man to flinch under the stare of the Dark Lord.

"Out of fear." Voldemort snarled "Not loyalty. Still, you have proved yourself useful these past few months, Wormtail." Voldemort flicked his wand and a metal hand materialised on the end of Wormtail's bleeding arm. The little man gasped, not quite knowing what to say as he lifted it up in front of him, controlling the fingers as if it were his own flesh and bone. "Thank you, Master. Thank you."

Voldemort then headed straight towards Josette, standing directly in front of her. Josette didn't flinch neither backed down, she stood her ground, glaring at him.

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