32: My mark..

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Hermione and Ginny walked into Josette's classroom

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Hermione and Ginny walked into Josette's classroom. Josette was going to do their makeup for the ball. As they walked in, they saw Josette and Severus arguing about something.

"Come on Jo. You have to come." Severus pleaded.

"Everything alright??" Hermione asked bringing their attention to them.

"Thank God you are here." Severus sighed "She's not coming to the ball." He pointed at Josette. "I'm trying to convince her to come but apparently it's not working. So, I leave it to you." He added.

"Jo, you said you loved balls, then why are you not coming??" Ginny asked.

"It's just boring." Josette shrugged.

"Come on everyone is coming." Hermione whined "Even Professor Snape is coming. No offense." She looked at him who just shrugged.

"He's coming just because he has staff duties. It's not compulsory for me." Josette argued.

"Please just come." Severus snapped annoyed by her childish behavior.

Josette thought for a moment "Okay, I'll come if..." she looked at her friend "You wear anything other than your batman costume."

Ginny and Hermione started laughing. Severus's eyes alone disciplined them into silence.

"I don't have anything other than my robes." He shrugged.

"Oh Don't worry about that." Josette removed a dark blue color coat from her cupboard and handed it to him.

"Now where the hell did you get that??" Severus sighed.

"I always come prepared." Smirked Josette. "Now go and get ready. Meet me here at 7'o clock." Severus sighed and walked out of the door.

"You were coming to the ball from start. You just did this so he could wear the clothes you bought, didn't you??" Hermione asked.

"Of course. I'm not an idiot to miss Hogwarts ball." Josette smirked.

"I HEARD THAT!!!" Came Severus's voice from the door. He chuckled to himself and walked towards the dungeon. Josette and the girls started laughing.

The three walked into her private chambers. Josette sat Ginny in front of the dressing table and started working on her make-up. Ginny said she wanted a simple makeup so Josette just used eyeliner and mascara for her eyes and a light red lipstick and some blush.

Next was Hermione. She colored her eyes with some green and silver eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. Hermione doesn't like lipstick so she just used some transparent lip gloss. Josette did her makeup up next. Black eyeshadow and dark red lipstick

Next they all helped eachother into their dresses and chatted away as they put on their high heels. Josette's shoes were simple three inch black heels. Ginny had tall red pumps, and Hermione wore silver lace-up sandles.

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