24: You don't know?

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Josette ran out of her classroom towards the Gryffindor Tower

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Josette ran out of her classroom towards the Gryffindor Tower. It was 8'o clock on Saturday so, the corridor was not filled with students like it usually did. It was raining heavily outside, cold wind hitting her face and her silver locks flying behind her as she ran. Suddenly she got hit by someone making her fall down. "What in Odin's name-" she looked up to see the Weasley twins. "Oh... redheads what are you doing so early in the morning."

"We are sorry, Jo." Both said simultaneously and helped her up. She looked at the dungbombs in their hand "Going to prank someone, I see."

"Sorry." Fred said "We'll just go back." George added. Disappointed that they won't get to pull the prank.

"I just saw Mr. Filch go towards the library. You can set the bombs there. But next time think something bigger." She smirked.

They looked up at her grinning "You are the best professor we have." Both said in unison.

"Now, run along. See you later." With that they left and she continued to run towards the Gryffindor common room.

Muttering the password she entered inside. The common room was empty. She walked towards the girls dormitory looking for Hermione's dorm.

"Aha.. found it." She said and knocked on the door. There were few rumbling on the other side then Hermione opened the door. "Jo. What happened? Why are you here this early?"

"I need your help."

"With what?"

"Shopping for Amy."

"Seriously??? Shopping at 8'o clock in the morning." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well, she doesn't have her clothes or anything. She's been wearing that dress for two days. And I don't know what kids needs these days."

"Fine. I'll meet you at the great hall in an hour."

"Ohh thank you so much Hermione. You can bring Ginny too, if you want."



"What store should we go to?" Josette asked.

"Gladrags Wizardwear of course!" Ginny exclaimed. "They have the best dresses." And quickly pulled Josette and Hermione through the door. They breezed past the cashier and headed straight for the dresses. There were dresses hanging from every wall, window and rack. They all looked expensive and well made.

"Okay, I'm gonna sit there." Josette pointed at the couch in the corner of the shop "And you go get, whatever clothes you like and anything else a child needs."

"Why are you not coming?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know anything about kids and what they like or not. So, it would be best if I just sit there."

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