Chapter 48:Helping Purpled.

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Thursday 21st January 7:00AM.

(Y/N)s POV.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes in the morning, I sat up and walked straight towards my kitchen.

"I smell something good in here".

I spoke as I see Phil making pancakes with Micheal watching Phil make pancakes.

"Oh good morning (Y/N), had a good sleep?".

Phil asked as I nodded and stretched out my arms.

"Yep that's correct, infact I had a dream last night".

That seemed to interest Phil as he flipped the pancake in the pan in the air and catch it perfectly on the other side.

"Really?, would you like to share it?".

Phil asked as I took a seat infront of the bench as Micheal sat next to me with a place full of two pancakes and started eating half of his pancake.

"Okay, let's see I had a dream that I was flying around in the sky where suddenly a ufo was flying next to me. In the ufo I saw a sort of purple alien flying in it and then everything turned to black".

Phil seemed to thought I was finished but I put up my hand for him to stop.

"I'm not done. Suddenly I was infront of a tree in a cylinder room and saw the murals of portraits we saw in the caves. There were about five, you and mom were there I think".

I spoke as now my dream is dimming away from me, Phil's eyes seemed to widen when I mentioned more murals, including him and mom.

"What did the tree look like?".

"Oh I think it was an apple tree but it wasn't bearing any fruits yet like my apple trees right over there, see?".

I gestured to the apple trees in my backyard, they have sprouted flowers but no apples. I then hear a knock on the door.

"Well that should be the girls, be back in a moment".

Narrators POV.

Once (Y/N) had left, Phil had a distressed look on his face. Micheal was the only one to notice Phil's panic.

"Grampaza are you okay?".

Micheal asked as Phil breathed heavily, completely forgetting that Micheal was there for a moment.

"How does she know about the final resting place of the council?".

Phil mumbled as Micheal became worried for Phil's sudden distressed about (Y/N)s dream. Phil finally noticed and brushed Micheals concerns away for now.

"It's nothing Micheal, I'm just having a bit of a think to myself, you don't have to worry about me".

Phil spoke as Micheal concerns melted slightly but he has a feeling it's something big that not even Philza can handle.

By the time Drista, Niki and (Y/N) had finished breakfast, they all left (Y/N)s house and walked straight towards the asylum together.

"Right well your going to be dealing with Purpled (Y/N), let's say he's out of this world. No pun intended".

Drista commented as Micheal giggled at Drista's pun. Niki was a bit amused but groaned in annoyance. Phil sighed and (Y/N) smiled at the pun in confusion.

Once they were inside the asylum and made it to Purpleds cell, (Y/N) now understood why Drista said that pun. Purpled looked ordinary on the left side but the right side said otherwise. The right side is completely purpled, had two purpled arms on the right side. He has four eyes. (The top two are purplish pink and the bottom of his eyes are a sort of dim turquoise.) Purpled had two antennas on the top of his half blonde and pink hair. (Y/N) had noticed that Purpled is curled up on the floor with his tail wrapped around his right leg. He is wearing the SCPs uniform and bound in chains too.

"Alright maybe I should go in with you (Y/N)?, after all he's a bit weird".

Drista said as (Y/N) stared at Drista in disbelief and sighed.

"Alright let's go inside then".

(Y/N) said as Drista opened Purpleds cell door and Niki spoke through the mic to the cell.

"SCP-Purpled18, you have a therapist for thirty minutes, just don't probe them".

(Y/N)s POV.

I see Purpled sit up from laying on the floor as he looked up at me.

"Hello (Y/N), how are you?".

"Oh I've been good how are y- how did you know my name?".

I asked in surprise as I heard Drista speak in annoyance.

"Purpled, stop reading her mind, that's creepy".

I looked at Drista in disbelief as I blushed heavily when I realized he could be reading what I'm thinking right now. Purpled shook it away as the two of his top eyes had closed.

"Sorry, force of habit I suppose, anyways I'm guessing your here to help me through therapy aren't you?".

Purpled said as I nodded, surprised of how he knew.

"Oh don't worry (Y/N), if your like me, I know a lot of things so yeah it gets a bit surprising".

I hummed, ignoring what he said as I started asking him questions for the past thirty minutes. Purpled answered them as all of his eyes are staring at me in what seemed to be admiration or something.

"Well times up, come on (Y/N) it's lunch time".

Drista said as I got up from the floor and waved goodbye to Purpled.

"Oh, it's a shame we can't hang around that much but I will see you around Moonpie".

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now