Chapter 17:Dealing with Quackity. (Not Drug Dealing).

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Monday January 10th 12:30PM.

(Y/N)s POV.

Me, Niki, Puffy and Drista walked straight to the Cafeteria for lunch again. For some reason, the three seemed rather sketchy with their mutterings to themselves.

"Uhm girls, are you okay?".

I asked as they became quiet and turned to me.

"Oh yeah we're fine (Y/N), just talking about work related stuff".

I know for a fact that they seemed to be talking about something else but shrug it off.

We made it to the cafeteria, got our lunches and walked straight to an empty table. Today seems to be not many scientists around since only two tables are empty.

"Okay (Y/N), we need to have a serious discussion".

Puffy spoke as Niki and Drista nodded once we sat at the table that is in the corner of the room.

"Uhm okay, what's wrong?".

"We need to know, are you an SCP?".

I became confused and only shook my head sideways while eating my food.

"No I'm not, why?".

"It's just because of the times you've gave us your home made food and magically it healed my injuries like look-".

Puffy pulled out her once broken arm that is now moving in perfect condition and revealed her now fixed ram horn in her curly hair.

"And that one time when we caught you chatting to a squirrel for a peach on a higher branch the other day. They understood you and gave you a peach".

"Also today when your hand had particles around it while your hand was in numb pain like can you explain that?!".

By all those points were given, I didn't know what to say because I have no idea what they are talking about.

"Girls, I can assure you, I'm not an SCP, I don't know how I can heal you with my foods, I don't know how animals understand me and what do you mean by black particles?".

They seemed upset and disappointed of my answers but they eventually gave up and ate their lunch.

Afterwards, we left the cafeteria for another persons cell.

"Okay then (Y/N), today your going to be dealing with Quackity, keep in mind he's unstable because he's done so many things that I don't even want to say".

Niki said and judging by their cringe looks, it's got to be horrible.

"But to clarify it all, it's uncomfortable to talk about it, keep in mind he's murderous so we better keep our distance with him".

We were infront of Quackity's cell, I got a good look at him, he has black hair that is only up to the top of his neck. He has brown eyes, pale skin and a scar that goes down from his right eye to his chin. He is laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling as I scratched my head.

"Alright in you go girls".

Puffy spoke as me and Drista walked into the containment once the cell door is opened by Niki.

"SCP-Quackity21, you have a therapist for thirty minutes, just don't be weird to them".

Puffy said through the speakers as Quackity turned around and poked the tongue at the window where Puffy and Niki are.

"Go suck a dick Puffy".

"Oi!, dont say that to Puffy".

Drista said as she leaned on the wall as I approached Quackity cautiously.

"Uhm hi Quackity, my names (Y/N) and I am going to help you for thirty minutes".

"So your the one that Sapnap talked about all lunch, so tell me, who's the asshole that broke your heart doll?~".

I blushed but then winced at the last words he said.

"Hey!, that's none of your concerns Quackity, (Y/N) is just here to help you".

Quackity seemed to whispered something that me and Drista couldn't hear. I shrug it off as I asked him questions, which he answered and flirted most of the time.

"Anyways are you going to answer my question on who the hell broke your heart doll?".

"Oh that doesn't matter Quackity, I've gotten over it and besides it was just a stupid crush anyways".

Quackity didn't say anything, he seemed to mutter more to himself, which I couldn't hear at all.

"Alright (Y/N), let's get going since thirty minutes is up".

"Oh okay Drista".

I was about to stand up but it seemed that Quackity didn't want me to go when he jumped onto me, making me fall on the ground.

"Oh come on!, Quackity get the fuck off her!".

Quackity obviously didn't listen when he put his head near my neck.

"You smell lovely doll~, it's a shame that dumbass is to blind to see it".

I blushed softly until Drista shoved Quackity off me, making him land on the ground with a grunt.

"Dont you dare touch her again you pervert".

Drista growled as I noticed her facial appearance went into an almost demonic looking face like Corpses avatars appearance. Her face went back to normal once she helped me up and lead me out of the containment.

"Drista, you need to calm down before you wreck havoc on the asylum. You girls should go home now, your shift is over".

Puffy spoke, Niki nodded in agreement as me, Drista and Niki went out of the asylum for the day.

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now