Chapter 12:The Next Day In The Asylum.

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Thursday 6th January 7:50AM.

Narrators POV.

(Y/N) woke up, did the same thing as usual and looked outside her window to spot her peach trees fruit is ripe.

"Hmm, I should pluck them off the tree right now".

(Y/N) went to go grab a basket that has a mini blanket in it, once she got the basket, she then heard a knock on the door. Of course she went to the front door, once she opened the door. She smiled when she found Drista and Niki there with their duffle bags.

"Hi Niki, hi Drista, it's so nice to see you both again".

(Y/N) spoke, which made the two girls giggle and notice the basket in (Y/N)s hand.

"Ohh your going to be picking fruit off a tree today, just a question which one?".

Niki asked as Drista grinned excitedly, Drista obviously loves what (Y/N) makes and grows since whatever (Y/N) makes, satisfies Drista's hunger.

"The peach tree, so you girls wanna help me pick the fruit off the tree?".

Niki nodded as Drista once again ran towards the backyard through the front door. Niki only shook her head sideways as (Y/N) chuckled at Drista's behavior.

After a few minutes, (Y/N), Drista and Niki had successfully got the ripe peaches off the peach tree. A while ago a squirrel helped out reaching the top peaches on (Y/N)s request. So once Niki and Drista had gotten changed into their work uniform, they walked with (Y/N) to the SCP asylum.

(Y/N)s POV.

"So (Y/N), are you nervous?".

Niki asked as I nodded, I'm going to be dealing with tyrants and maybe even serial killers soon.

"Oh don't worry (Y/N), I'm sure you'll do fine and besides from what I've heard from Puffy. You'll be dealing with Bad and Skeppy today and then two tyrants tomorrow".

I nodded but I felt terrified to think about the tyrants left in the asylum but I've came this far. I can't back out of this now.

Once we have made it to the SCP asylum, we walked down the hallways as we stopped at a cell.

"Okay (Y/N), this is Skeppy, just be careful with him, he's done a whole lot of 'bits' we don't want to say".

Niki spoke as I nodded, Drista then used the card around her neck and opened the cell.

Once I've got in the cell, the door closed as I saw what I presume to be Skeppy. He seems to be a regular human, just has darker skin, black neck length fluffy hair, thorn vines growing almost all over his SCP uniform. He is also wearing a teal blue hat under his dark chocolate colored hair. At the moment he's just laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

"SCP-Skeppy22, you've got a therapist for thirty minutes, you better not harm them".

Drista called out from the speakers as Skeppy only put a thumbs up using red vines as he didn't bother to get up from laying on the ground. I sat close enough to give him personal space.

"Hello Skeppy, how are you doing today?".

Skeppy's POV.

I glanced at the girl I believe to be (Y/N), I've heard of her everywhere in the SCP cafeteria and heck Bad always talked about her. I'll be honest, she is very beautiful like the others say.

"Uhm Skeppy are you okay?"

I only hummed in response since I didn't feel like saying anything.

"Okay well would you like a peach?, they are freshly picked from my peach tree at home".

I sat up curiously as I saw the basket full of peaches, they smell so sweet but I could smell something more sweeter than the peaches.

"I'll take that as a yes, well here you go Skeppy".

She grabbed a peach that looks like it is smaller than my mouth, she simply puts it in my mouth as I could taste the sweetness in the fruit. I chewed on the soft fruit as it tastes so good, then I swallowed the chewed up fruit down my throat.

"That is delicious Peachie".

I gave her a nickname as it seems she blushed when I said her nickname, I grinned as she then snapped out of it.

"Thanks Skeppy".

She spoke as she continued to ask me questions, I only nodded in response to her questions. I also started to ask her questions, which she answers as I got to know her a little bit more.

"Alright (Y/N), time for lunch!".

No I was getting to know her more!, on instinct I used the red vines to hold her still, which luckily she can't break the vines off.

"Really Skeppy?!".

Suddenly the door had slammed open and my vines are torn apart. I glared at Drista as she helped up my beloved peachie.

"I'll deal with you later Skeppy, come on (Y/N) let's go".

Just like that, the two left as I groaned and lay back on the floor, now my thoughts on peachie, her eyes, hair, skin. Everything about her is just addicting to think about.

"Now I understand why you talk about her so much Bad, I can't wait to throw it in your face of how much I know about her more than you~".

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now