Chapter 5:Helping Ranboo.

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Tuesday, 4th January, 10:50AM

(Y/N)s POV.

Me, Niki and Drista made it to the SCP asylum once again, we went through the hallway as they walked me to Ranboos cell.

"Remember, (Y/N) just be careful with Ranboo, if he ender walks then immediately call us okay?".

Niki spoke worriedly, making me nod.

"How do I know that he's ender walking?".

I asked curiously as we are now infront of Ranboos cell, he is staring at the wall with his back against us.

"His eyes will be purple and he will act violent, don't worry we will keep an eye on you".

Drista assured me as she opened the door for me, I walked into the cell as the door closed behind me. I got a look at Ranboos back side, his skin and hair is duo toned to black and white. He seems to be taller than any average man on earth and he's wearing a leather jacket that is holding him with chains with pants like Tubbos. What I also notice on Ranboo is his almost ten feet long tail that is limp on the ground.

"SCP-Ranboo18, you've got a therapist with you for thirty minutes, you better not hurt her otherwise I will call security".

Ranboos POV.


I turned around and found the same girl from yesterday, what was her name again?, I can't remember.


I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to the glass, I saw the two girls from yesterday accompanying the girl in my cell.

"He's not paying attention to me, (Y/N) you can come out of the cell".

"What?- no! I have to help him!".

I then turned to the girl to get a good look at the girl I think to be (Y/N), I'll be honest she's very pretty. Her (H/L) (H/C), and (F/C) duo toned hair, (S/T) soft skin, (E/C) eyes and she is wearing (whatever you want as long as its casual).

"Wow you are crushing on her aren't you~".

I ignored the voice as I kept staring at the girl, she turned around and is looking at the glass with two girls on the other side.

"Listen (Y/N), he has memory issues so he will probably forget everything".

I slumped my back against the wall as I slide down, so that's her name?, it suits her very much. I decided to listen and watch the arguement go down.

After about a minute, it seems (Y/N) had won because she had done a small movement. She turned to me and smiled sheepishly, making me stare at her and blush softly.

"Alright, hi Ranboo I'm (Y/N), you probably would know my name because of me and Dristas arguement".

She came infront of me but not in my personal space and sat down. I sniffed and smelled something delicious, I looked at what she has and I found out it is a see through box with round things inside. It seems she noticed my gaze as she gently smiled at me.

"Would you like something to eat?, I've made them myself".

I had the courage to ask.

"What is it?".

She seemed surprised by my question but then remembered I have memory issues.

"Oh right, well these are chocolate chip cookies, they are delicious and sometimes help you feel comfort".

She then opened the top of the box, pulled out a cookie and ended up showing me it. I honestly don't know what to do and it seems that she knew that too.

"You know you can have one, I'm planning on giving them to the SCPs today".

I gently grabbed her wrist and smelled the cookie in her hand, it smells so good, without warning I've taken a chomp out of the cookie. It left a big bite on the cookie as I chewed it.

'This is so delicious'.

"Mmm good~".

I then chomped the smaller bit of the cookie, letting go of (Y/N)s wrist.

"So I take it that you like it?".

I nodded as I started to swallow it.

"Thats really nice to know you like it".

Afterwards, we started talking, well usually I only nod when she ask questions since I'm not comfortable with talking much.

"I see that your not much of a talker Ranboo".

I nod at the sentence, (Y/N) seems to understands me more than anybody else apart from my friends.

"Alright (Y/N), times up we need to go to lunch".

I looked at (Y/N) with pleading eyes to not leave me, she noticed and giggled.

"Ranboo, I'm just going to lunch, I'm sure that you are coming to lunch also".

I latched myself onto her but unfortunately my arms are bound so I can't do anything. But luckily that I'm on top of her and she can't get me off her.

"Ranboo, please get off I need to go".

"Ranboo, really?!".

I stayed on top of her so (Y/N) doesn't move, my tail then wrapped around her, suddenly I heard the door slam open. I was then pulled off by I think is Dreams sister and pushed to the wall against my backside, making me wince.

"Ranboo, don't do that ever again".

Just like that, she let go off me, then helped (Y/N) up, along with the box in (Y/N)s hand and lead her out of the cell, making me scoff in annoyance.

"No wonder why Tubbo had gotten attached to her quickly, they are quite precious~".

For once I agree with the voice in my head, they are indeed precious to be worth protecting.

"Just you wait (Y/N), I'm going to keep you all to myself~".

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now