Chapter 33:Taking Care Of Ranboo.

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Friday 14th January 8:30AM

Narrators POV.

After the discussion with Phil, Drista and Niki, they came back inside and saw both (Y/N) and Micheal are nearly finished eating breakfast.

"Uhm (Y/N) have you drunken something yet?".

Niki asked as (Y/N) shook her head sideways.

"Uhm no not yet why?".

"Okay, you've got to drink something before we go anywhere".

Drista stated as (Y/N) knows she isn't going to get out of this, (Y/N) only nodded as now Phil, Drista and Niki joined the two for breakfast. Of course Drista, Niki and Phil made sure that (Y/N) drinked something. Which (Y/N) hesitantly drunk the liquid down, which made Phil, Drista and Niki relieved. Once breakfast was over, Drista and Niki had gotten changed as (Y/N), Phil and Micheal had washed and dried the dishes.

"So (Y/N), from my conversation with the girls outside, why haven't you had anything to drink?".

Phil asked as (Y/N) became hesitant but shrug it off.

"Meh I guess it's just nerves".

Once Phil, (Y/N) and Micheal were done drying the dishes, Drista and Niki were ready and then they all left (Y/N)s house.

(Y/N) on the way tried to fly but she only managed to flap above ground for twenty seconds. Unfortunately she didn't go far with flying but Phil grqbbed her hand and guided her until she landed on the ground.

"It's okay (Y/N), you'll get there soon and I know it".

Phil assured as Drista and Niki agreed while Micheal giggled even more in agreement.

Once the five made it to the asylum, they spotted a white empty van outside of the asylum as Niki scratched her head.

"Hang on, Puffy didn't text me they were bringing in another SCP".

"Huh I guess it's because it must've been brought in before we came in".

Drista added in as Niki hummed in agreement as now the whole group walked in. Phil is giving Micheal a piggyback ride as Micheal is ruffling the top of Phil's black wings.

"Oh hey girls, hi Phil, how are you doing?".

Puffy came out of nowhere and asked warmly, (Y/N) could see that Puffy has a bruise on her left eye.

"Puffy what happened to you?".

"Well you might have seen that we have caught two SCPs, their names are Slimecicle and Sam. Well Slimecicle managed to get away since Sam punched me in the face".

Puffy spoke as she rubbed her eye, slowly healing it in the process. Niki, Drista and Phil went into shock as (Y/N) and Micheal are concerned.

"So does that mean-".

"Oh no he didn't get out of the asylum since it's full of security guards. However he could be anyone since his abilities is to be a litteral slime, he can morph into anyone or anything. I doubt he'd be any of you since he can't multiply unless if his limbs are missing. Also he doesn't know what you guys look like right now".

Puffy explained as the whole group nodded. Puffy escorted them to Ranboos cell as she kept a watchful eye out for suspicious behavior and Slimecicle. (Y/N) took Micheal off Phil's back.

"Are you sure you'll be fine (Y/N)?, I just don't want you to get hurt".

Phil added in his concerns as (Y/N) sighed and nodded.

"Yes I'll be fine, your still hurt from yesterday so I don't think coming in with me is a good idea".

(Y/N) spoke as Drista opened the door to Ranboos cell, Puffy had left the group alone to go find any traces of Slimecicle in the asylum.

"SCP-Ranboo18, you've got (Y/N) for thirty minutes, you know the drill".

Niki spoke as Phil watched (Y/N) and Ranboo through the windows with Niki and Drista. However Ranboo perked up, he was laying on the ground but now he's sitting up from the floor.

"Cookie!, I haven't seen you for a while now".

Ranboo is enthusiastic to see (Y/N) again as she chuckled, he saw Micheal and grinned widely.

"Hello Ranboo, as you can see, I've brought Micheal with me today".

(Y/N) assured as she sat infront of Ranboo, letting Micheal crawl to Ranboo as Ranboo lifted him up and embraced him. However he noticed the white mask on Micheals head and chose to ignore it for now atleast.

The two had chatted together, with Micheal giggling a lot more and Ranboo starting to get to know her a little bit.


Every time he thought about (Y/N), the voice would always talk and compliment about (Y/N) forever. Which Ranboo never complained about it.

"Alright (Y/N), it's time for lunch".

Drista spoke through the microphone as (Y/N) nodded.

"Sorry Ranboo, me and Micheal have to go to lunch".

As much as Ranboo wanted (Y/N) and Micheal to stay. He knows what will happen like last time he tried to keep (Y/N). He only nodded but made a sad enderman noise, which made (Y/N) feel bad.

"Hey Ranboo, it's okay, I will see you soon or maybe later".

(Y/N) assured as she took Micheal out of Ranboos embrace, gave Ranboo a peck on the forehead, got up and left the cell. Leaving a sad but secretly flustered and annoyed Ranboo alone, if only he could get out of the SCP clothing. He could use all his abilities and escape but no he can't, he can't take it off like the other SCPs.

"Dont worry Cookie~, I'll find a way out and when I do, I'll keep you all to myself and not even Drista can stop me".

Ranboo chuckled darkly as now hes sitting against the wall, waiting for someone to come get him for lunch.

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now