Chapter 20:The History Book Of L'manburg.

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(There is a character and he's owned by me and same as the image so I hope you enjoy).

Tuesday 11th January 5:30PM.

Narrators POV.

The three had left the asylum to go to the town's library, technically it's a museum and a tourist attraction since it houses how an actual revolution had started.

"You know I haven't been around this part of town yet".

"Really (Y/N)?, you don't get out much do ya?".

Drista spoke, which (Y/N) nodded and followed the two straight to the library.

Once they got to the library, it wasn't full of people but it wasn't deserted either.

"Okay (Y/N), let's go inside the library".

Niki said as she pulled Drista and (Y/N) into the library excitedly.

Once the three got inside, let's say the library is bigger on the inside than the outside. They first saw the librarians desk and took in their surroundings.

The library is a three story massive place, along the three story are thousands of books on walls, shelves and book shelves. In between and among the book shelves on the bottom floor are rows of desks with jade-made lamps with people accompanying the desks. There is a blossom tree that reaches from the first to the second floor in the middle of the library on the bottom floor that is surrounded by an almost thick circle of water. The tree looks fairly about a thousand years old. There is a few scenery and display cases on the first floor that is near the tree. A while away is a children's section given with all the kids books, colourful beanbags and colorful mats. On the floor is a soft royal red carpet, the walls are dark wood, along with the ceiling. Lastly on the top of the room are big, fancy chandeliers, giving the whole place the feeling of being in a medieval library.

"Well welcome to my favourite part of town (Y/N)".

Niki spoke, she snickered at (Y/N)s wide eyed and mouth expression, Drista is surprised but shrug it off as she closed (Y/N)s mouth.

"This is so beautiful, oh my god how come I've never discovered this before?".

Niki shrugged at (Y/N)s rhetorical question as she walked to find the 'Revolution Of L'manburg' book. Which is in a display case and impossible to take out of the library. Only because it's one of the most valuable books in the world that is worth millions of dollars.

Once Niki found the book, she saw it sitting on display in a glass cabinet that is securely locked, bullet proof and hard to break in. Along with the book is 'The Revival Book' and four journals of Dream, Drista, Technoblade and Ranboo.

"Ohh what's that?".

(Y/N) pointed to the Revival Book as Niki shrug it off.

"Thats the Revival Book, the only person that could read it is Dream, it's used for- you know- reviving people".

(Y/N) hummed as she looked at the journals and the 'Revolution Of L'manburg'. Which is a book that has the flag of L'manburg as the cover.

"Oh hey Niki, have you came here to borrow one of the journals again?".

In comes the librarian, awfully known as Mr. Larson, he is wearing glasses, has black hair, brown eyes, brown skin and he's wearing a red sweater, black pants and sneakers. He's about sixty four so he's close to his retirement.

"Oh hi Mr Larson, how's Fundy?, you know your fox?".

Niki knows full well Larson has memory issues but not as bad as Ranboos, Mr Larson chuckled.

"Oh he's alright, hello Drista, how's your brother?".

Drista glared at Mr. Larson when he asked about her brother. Niki butted in before the elder man noticed Dristas glare.

"Oh he's fine, we came here to borrow the 'Revolution Of L'manburg' for our friend".

Mr. Larson became surprised and saw (Y/N) right next to Drista and his eyes widened.

"(Y/M/N), is that you?".

"Oh uhm, no my names (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)".

(Y/N) spoke, which she became surprised on how he knows her mother's name. Mr. Larson only nodded.

"How do you know my moms name?".

"It's because she used to live here back when L'manburg was evolving, we were best friends but I have no idea why she left. How is she anyways?".

That became a sore topic for (Y/N) to discuss, her mom died when she gave birth to (Y/N) and her father died when she left for college.

"Ehm, she died when she gave birth to me".

"Oh, I'm sorry I did not know".

Niki and Drista were surprised that (Y/N) told Mr. Larson what happened but they gave her a pat on the back.

"Anyways, you girls had came here for 'Revolution Of L'manburg' right?, I'll be right back".

Mr. Larson walked straight to his desk to retrieve the key for the display case. You see the only people that can go into the case is Niki, Drista and Puffy. He will make an exception to (Y/N) since she's almost the exact replica of (Y/M/N), except for (Y/N)s eyes. Anyways, Mr. Larson came back with the key, opened the display case and pulled out the book.

"Okay girls, don't lose this book okay?, if this book gets lost then we are going to have problems alright?".

The three nodded as Mr. Larson gave (Y/N) the book, only gazing into her features.

"You look so much like your mother except for your eyes, that must be your fathers".

(Y/N) hummed as she held the book and smiled.

"Thank you Mr. Larson, can you maybe tell me more about my mom please?".

"Oh I'd love to but maybe when you come back, I'll tell you".

(Y/N) hummed as Niki and Drista grinned.

"Thank you Mr. Larson, let's go girls".

Niki spoke as she pulled Drista and (Y/N) out of the library with (Y/N) reading the first page out of the library.

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