Chapter 3:The Unbelievably Obsessed Tommy.

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Monday, 3rd January 11:56AM

Narrators POV.

Dream and Technoblade had gotten into a fight by both punching and headbutting eachother. Blood and bruises are evident on both of them as (Y/N) became worried. Drista heard the cafeterias door open and in came the whole entire security team.

"Now Niki!".

Once Drista called out to Niki, Niki used the taser and tased botu Dream and Techno, stunning the two towards the ground. Drista and Niki planned it out as they both know that the effects of the taser won't last long on Dream and Techno. By the time the effects wore off on Techno and Dream, the security team separated the two. The security team is fully armed and ready to take down Dream and Techno, even though they know they can't but they will.

"Oh please don't hurt them, it'll make things worse!".

(Y/N) called out but nobody really paid any attention to her, apart from Niki and Drista, who are constantly assuring her that the two do get out of control when they fight.

Afterwards the security team ended up taking Dream and Techno back to their cells as Tubbo approached (Y/N) and clinged onto her arm straight away.

"Hello Honey~".

(Y/N) jumped when Tubbo clinged onto her arm without her knowing. She dropped her food and now it's on the ground, she sighed and stared at Tubbo.

"Uhm hi Tubbo".

(Y/N) is shaking slightly, which made Tubbo confused but clinged onto her arm tightly. He dragged her away to his table.

"I want to introduce you to my friends, this is Tommy-".

Tubbo pointed to his best friend SCP-Tommy17, better known as Tommy for short. He has blonde hair, has small goat horns that are invisible because his hair is hiding them. His hair has almost reached down his neck. He has blue eyes and a few scratch marks almost evident all over his face and hands but some had plasters covering the scratch marks. All in all, (Y/N) started to feel concern for Tommy, even though he's smiling almost like he's brain dead.

"Well well well Tubbo I see you've got someone for us to share right?".

(Y/N) felt uncomfortable, luckily that Drista and Niki noticed the situation and stood by (Y/N) so if she got stuck in a fight, they can pull her out. Tubbo only scowled at Tommy since he didnt want to share with Tommy what he was given and clinged onto her more.

"Ookay guys, please calm down".

Niki butted in as she managed to pull (Y/N) out of Tubbos grip, much to Tubbos displeasure.

"Really?, well I haven't finished introducing Honey to all my friends yet-".

"Yeah well Tubbo, we need to go home because our shift is over and (Y/N) has to go home the same time we have to go home".

Drista cut in, pushing (Y/N) behind both hers and Niki's backs as they started walking back towards the cafeterias door. Tubbo and Tommy walked towards the trio as the other SCPs watched or joined in with the two. Tubbo reached out a hand for (Y/N) to take.

"What- no don't leave me please Honey!".

"Oh don't worry, I'll come back tomorrow".

"Yeah if you behave well for your medication time, then we will bring her back, but in the meantime. We get off work early today so we better get going".

Just like that, (Y/N), Niki and Drista left the SCPS cafeteria through where they came from and left the cafeteria.(Which is empty since the doctors are preparing for medication time early.) Out of sight, much to the SCPs pleasure.

"Damn she's hot".

Tommy muttered as Tubbo simply scoffed.

"Hot?, you mean visibly attractive for everyone to see".

Tubbo spoke, making Tommy glare, well this day is definately going to be long for every SCP.

Meanwhile, Niki, Drista and (Y/N) are making it out of the building. (Y/N) spotted Techno and Dream in their cells but they weren't paying attention, what made her worried is the marks that the taser left on them. (Y/N) tried to wave or get their attention but since Niki's and Drista's hands are on her backside and trying to leave quickly. She didn't get a chance to even glance at them.

Once the trio are out of the building, Niki and Drista are mumbling so much that (Y/N) had no idea what they are chatting about. The two stopped after three minutes and turned to (Y/N).

"Listen (Y/N), I'm not sure if you know what's going on but we need to limit your times visiting the SCPs now".

That surprised and confused (Y/N), she honestly doesn't know where they are coming at.

"What do you mean guys?, this is my first day here".

"We know but we don't want you to get hurt so we are sparing you the trouble, you don't have to help us anymore. You don't desserve to get hurt for this".

(Y/N) only sighed as she face palmed but shuttered when she remember it is her injured hand.

"Girls girls, I'm doing this just for you, yeah I know what I've signed up for and I'm not abandoning you guys, only because it is my first day".

Now that made Drista and Niki both pleasant and worried for their friend. The three had been friends since college and (Y/N) is the most precious person to ever be friends with. They even promised to keep her as safe as possible but enough that she has her own free will. The two hugged (Y/N) as she smiled and hugged back.

"That's really brave of you (Y/N), but we are forcing you to have days off okay?".

(Y/N) nodded, then the hug is broken as they all left the area and head back to their home.

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now