Chapter 14:Dealing With WilburSoot.

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Friday 7th January 6:50AM.

Narrators POV.

Another day has passed and now (Y/N) is feeling fears rise inside her. Sure she has dealed with the other SCPs in the asylum that could have severely injured her. However, she is going to be dealing with one's that will try to either gravely hurt or kill her if they wanted. Luckily she has her friends to help her during that time.

"Okay (Y/N), I know your scared, don't worry, I'll be in the containment with you incase if something goes wrong".

Drista assured, with (Y/N) are of course Drista and Niki and they are waiting for a strawberry pie that is being cooked in the oven at (Y/N)s house. Drista is already changed in her uniform and Niki is currently getting changed into her uniform.

"I know but I'm just scared of who I'm going to be dealing with first and then last".

Drista slightly grimaced on who she is going to deal with today, she knows who it is and Drista already knows who is going to be the last one she and (Y/N) will deal with. (Y/N) then pulled the strawberry pie out of the oven and just in time, Niki has came in with her phone in hand.

"Hey girls, we probably should get going, I know we can come in the asylum whatever time we want as long as it's close to ten. Still we really should be going".

Niki spoke, she had received a message from Puffy saying to come to the asylum immediately. Drista nodded as (Y/N) became concerned, she wondered what happened at the asylum again. Instantly she covered the strawberry pie in plastic wrap (so the contents wont fall out.) Then put the pie in the container as she held the container close to her.

"What happened at the asylum again Niki?".

"Well we might have got a problem with Wilbur, anyways we should get going".

Niki had rushed out of the door with Drista holding (Y/N)s hand since Drista is incredibly fast at running, Niki is athletic since it's apart of her senses. (Y/N) is fit enough but she can't run as fast as the two.

Once the three made it back to the asylum in almost a minute, they quickly rushed inside the asylum.

"Alright so (Y/N), you'll be dealing with WilburSoot, he's a tyrant since he managed to blow up a nation once-actually twice. Dont worry, Drista will be in there at the moment".

Niki explained as (Y/N) nodded, they then see Puffy standing outside of Wilburs cell.

"So glad you girls can make it".

Puffy spoke as the trio nodded, they looked inside the cell and see WilburSoot. He seems to be an ordinary human since he has brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin that seems too pale. What caught (Y/N)s attention is that Wilbur seemed to be chained way more than the other SCPs she had seen. Chains are evident on his arms and legs to prevent him from moving.

"What happened Puffy?".

(Y/N) asked as Puffy scratched the back of her neck. (Y/N) just noticed that Puffys nose is bleeding slightly, which made her more worried.

"Well let's say that he had medical time and then tried to escape but failed because he ran into me. He head butted me but I managed to hold him down. He has to be in chains for the remainder of his spare time until lunch time".

Puffy explained as she rubbed the blood off her nose, (Y/N) then pulled out the strawberry pie and unwrapped it. The pie is already cut since she had time at home, she grabbed a slice and handed it to Puffy.

"Eat, you'll feel better".

(Y/N) spoke as Puffy thanked her for her concerns and took a bite, admiring the taste as she felt warm and comfort. Then Drista opened the cell door, gesturing for (Y/N) to go in first, (Y/N) went inside as Drista followed behind.

Once the door was closed, (Y/N) and Drista saw Wilbur now sitting in the corner of the room.

"SCPWilbur25, you have a therapist for thirty minutes, don't try anything funny because Drista is in there too".

Puffy spoke through the speakers with almost a mouthful of the strawberry slice of pie. Wilbur only huffed as his eyes twitched.

"Uhm hello there Wilbur, my names (Y/N) and I'm going going be trying to help you, before we start, would you like a strawberry pie?".

She asked as Wilbur shook his head sideways, he is already in a bad mood with being chained up, he doesn't want any pity from her. Drista groaned as she death glared Wilbur, she is leaning on the side where the door is. She hated how people are disrespectful towards her friends, especially (Y/N) because she deserves the world on a silver platter. However (Y/N) only shrugged as she placed a slice of strawberry pie on the ground next to Wilbur.

"Suit yourself, anyways I'm going to be asking you questions, judging by your lack of responses, I'll encourage you to nod or shake your head sideways".

Just like that (Y/N) asked Wilbur questions, which he only responded to some of the questions by nodding and shaking. Drista only glared at Wilbur but limited the glares once Wilbur actually started to talk to (Y/N) in a less rude manor.

"Alright (Y/N), we better get going to lunch since thirty minutes is up- Wilbur don't you even think about it. She's not staying with you".

Drista spoke as she glared at Wilbur since she knows that by now Wilbur wants (Y/N) to stay. She instantly came to (Y/N), helped her up quickly and started to quickly bring her out of the cell.

That made Wilbur roll his eyes at Drista because he knows that she's right about him wanting (Y/N) to stay. He stared at the strawberry slice of pie on the ground, he can smell the pie and he honestly likes the smell. He's pretty much chained up so he ended up laying on the ground where his face is close to the slice. He started to bite into the pie as he loved the taste so he continued eating the pie on the ground.

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