Chapter 2:Having Lunch With Drista And Nikachu.

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Monday, January 3rd 10:45AM

(Y/N)s POV.

I followed Niki to the medical ward. I had a question on what she said to me.

"What do you mean Tubbos getting attached to me?".

"Well it's what SCPs do when they found someone they are inlove with or interested in. Unfortunately it's very rare that SCPs would love anyone since there are rarely any female SCPs anymore".


It makes sense now, on the other hand Niki seemed really worried about it.

"What's wrong Niki?".

"Well I'm worried that the scientists will use you since this is very new and they are very eager to 'observe' what happens next".

I cringed at that bit but Niki wasn't finished there as she changed the subject straight to Tubbo.

"I think when Tubbo said that he doesn't want you to leave. I think he became jealous that your leaving him to go help his friends".

I looked at her and gave her a 'no shit shelock' look, which Niki noticed and laughed.

We made it to the medical ward and I saw Drista with a bandage wrapped around her left hand and a bit of blood that is in the bandage.

"What happened Drista?".

"Oh nothing, my brother thought it will be funny to bite my hand since I was being too close to him".

I became worried but relieved when she said she's fine.

"Anyways, what happened to you that brought you here (Y/N)?".

I told Drista what happened as Niki helped bandaged my hand up, that took Drista by surprise.

"Wow that's new, do you think Puffys theory is true Niki?".

"Oh it probably is".

I became confused but shrug it off because I'll figure it out later. Afterwards Nikachu finished bandaging me and invited me to lunch with Drista, which I accepted because I'm hungry.

I followed them to the cafeteria that has about eight rectangle tables with four seats around the tables. There is a very long counter that has sandwichs, fruit, (F/F) and drinks. Right behind the bench is a kitchen not far from the entrance. What I noticed is a large bullet proof window that shows almost the same replica of the cafeteria. Except that instead of eight tables and the metal doors that connect to both of the cafeteria together. There's about four tables instead, what's more interesting are the people on the otherside that are either eating or talking.

"Uhm are those the SCPs?".

"Hm?, oh yes they are, they usually eat at the same time we do".

I hummed in interest as I then saw Tubbo, who is frantically waving at me. I noticed he isn't bound in chains anymore. I smiled gently as I waved at him also and then went to go grab a sandwich and (F/F) on the counter. Drista and Nikachu got their foods as we found d an empty table that is a bit close to the window.

"Hey (Y/N), Tubbo is pointing at you".


I turned around and noticed Tubbo is indeed pointing at me with what seems to be his friends looking at me. I nervously turned around since I don't like attention.

"Oookay then, so what do you guys do all day during work?".

Just as Drista was about to answer as I was about to eat my sandwich, a speaker was called in the cafeteria.

"SCP-TUBBO18 has requested for (Y/N) to come into the SCP containment immediately".

"Oh you've got to be joking- Dristie, Niki can you please come with me?".

I pleaded as the two chuckled at my pleading nicknames for them.

"Sure, after all your helping us".

Just like that, we stood up, grabbed our lunch and walked straight to the metal doors that lead into the SCP cafeteria. Niki ended up grabbing a taser, which concerned me.

"Alright let's go, Niki just please don't use the taser unless if things get out of hand".

Niki nodded as we walked through the metal doors.

Narrators POV.

Tubbo smiled happily once he saw (Y/N) walk in but soon it turned into displeasure once Tubbo saw that she brought in Drista and Niki. He never cared about the two, but it seems they are going to be a problem for him if they are close friends with (Y/N).

"Honey, over here!".

He waved out as (Y/N) walked towards Tubbo and smiled gently. Until she was stopped by another SCP that has a mask covering his face. His neck length blonde hair is covering the top of his mask. It was SCP-Dream22, better known as Dream. He is one of the tyrants and he's extremely dangerous in the containment. Niki and Drista saw (Y/N) got held by Dream as Niki struggled to pull out the taser and Drista pulled out a walkie talkie to alert the security.

"Hey Dream, let go of Honey!".

Tubbo yelled out as Dream only pulled (Y/N) close that her face is in his chest, he then slowly stoked (Y/N)s (H/L) hair as he admired it being soft.

"Dream let go of her!".

Niki called out as she pulled out the taser, making Dream scowl at Niki. (Y/N) however held out her hand for Niki to stop.

"Please dont Niki, that's not a good idea".

"Techno! Get her out of Dreams grasp please!".

Already by that response that (Y/N) heard a monotoned groan and Drista calling for backup in her walkie talkie.

"Let her go you homeless green man".

It is SCP-Technoblade22 or Technoblade that insulted Dream, which made Dream annoyed by Technos interruption.

"Fuck off you disgusting pig, shes mine and out of your league!".

Techno then released a mist of bloodlust, causing fear to not only Drista, Niki and (Y/N) but also to the SCPs in the cafeteria. Nobody ever messes with Techno since he can kill everyone, he did kill a few doctors and scientists for invading his personal space. Dream only scoffed at Technos bloodlust release as (Y/N) managed to sneak away from Dreams grasp, she struggled at first but she managed to escape. She ran to Drista and Niki as Drista already called the security and Niki had her taser put down.

"Is this really normal guys?".

"Eh usually (Y/N), but don't worry it doesn't last forever once security come in".

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora